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Robin's pov

I go to high school, I don't really have a reason not to, I can afford not to financially but it's in my best interest. And the school I go to has a beautiful art program. I am a computer wiz but it isn't my passion. I love painting. When I wake up early I sit in my window seat and paint the sunsets. They're colorful and I do love me some color. Though my favorite thing to paint is Lily. She's just a beautiful subject to paint. Her olive skin, silky dark brown hair, she has the most beautiful forest green eyes, and lovely long, dark, thick lashes. And she's short, 5'3. Well if I said that to her she'd say I'm one to talk, I like to flex that I'm 5'5 to her.
"Robin Johnson to the principal's office." The loud speaker called. My eyebrows furrowed, I didn't get into a fistfight so why do they want me?... I got up and put my bag over my shoulder and walked to the principal's office.
I went to his assistant and she told the principal I was here. "Can I have an apple?" I asked her pointing at the bowl of apples on her desk. She smiled at me and passed me the bowl to pick an apple. I quietly thanked her and bit into it.
"He's ready for ya hun." She sweetly told me. I nodded politely to her and went in.
"Sup Carl!" I said to him resting my feet on the chair next to me, continuing to eat my apple.
"I've got good news for me and you." He started.
"Oooooh this sounds interesting! Do share!" I replied.
"I don't have to deal with your shit anymore! You're moving and transferring schools!" He said with a great big grin on his face.
"And why is that?" I ask not seeing why this change is happening.
A woman spoke from behind me, "Hi I'm Caroline, I'm your new social worker, I was reviewing your case and I was able to locate some of your relatives." She said with a smile.
"Maternal or paternal." I asked skeptically. Under no circumstances am I going to anyone in my mothers side. There's no relatives I'm aware of but I don't want to be near that kind of crazy.
"Paternal, more specifically, your father and brothers." I slowly nodded, taking in the information.
"Where?" I asked, not wanting to be far from Lily. We only have a two hour train ride between us. It's a little frustrating but it could be worse, I make the trip to go up to her every weekend. It's become a tradition.
"Not far, a couple hours." She answered her smile never faltering.
"North?" I asked mentally crossing my fingers. She nodded. My face broke out into a smile. Perfect! I'll be closer to Lily. "Great! I take it we'll go back to my place and pack?" I asked knowing the drill.
"Yup!" She replied. It looked like she was relieved I'm so cooperative. No dramatics or emotions to deal with. Quick and simple. A social workers dream.
I got up grabbed my things and we walked out. We both got into our own cars and headed to the orphanage I'm residing at. Now I can afford to buy my own home and I have, but I didn't plan on staying here much longer. I got a beautiful home I stay at when I visit Lilly. Cause originally I was gonna move there the second I turned 18.

We got to the air strip. They're wealthy, private jet, it looks like it's just going to be me riding, so they're not worried about using a lot of gas, very wealthy. And they must actually really want me if they're willing to send their jet instead of putting me on a regular plane. Maybe this won't be too bad...


The plane ride was boring. I messaged a few friends in the area to let them know imma be in town. It's just the two. Danny and Vicky. Well his name is Victor but cause he loves me so much let's me call him that.
"We are about to land." The flight attendant told me. She's not very sweet, she seems like the kind of girl who becomes a flight attendant to hook up with people in the air.
I curtly nodded, not wanting to be in her presence.

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