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Alessandro Bianchi

I was sitting at my desk, resting my face in my hands. Alice was right behind me lightly rubbing my shoulders trying to help me de stress.
"Do you want to bounce the problem off me? It might help for you to work the problem aloud." She said softly. She's great at working out problems, it's one of the things I love about her.
I was about to do as she suggested when my office phone started ringing; unknown number. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, who would be calling me and how did they get this number? I think Alice picked up on my hesitation and gave me and the phone a questionable look.
I slowly picked up, "Hello?"
"Hi is this Alessandro Bianchi?" A woman's voice asked.
"Yes, who is this?" I asked skeptically.
"Hi! My name is Caroline, I am a social worker and I'm contacting you regarding your daughter Robin." She said cheerfully.
I stiffened, we have had a lot of leads but none that have panned out. "What about her?" I didn't want to get my hopes up if this isn't the call I think it is. I looked up and saw Alice looking at me and the phone shocked and listening in. I turned back and put the phone on speakerphone so she could hear easier.
"Great! I am taking over for Ms Linda, and now am taking care of all the children previously in her care; one of which is Robin. I looked over her files and found your name on her birth certificate. Would you be interested in gaining custody of her?"
My whole world stopped. My breathing slowed my heart rate spiked. I snapped out of my daze when Alice squeezed my arm.
"Um yes I would love to. I can send a jet to pick her up where is she?"
"She is in south California. I'll send a picture right over." She replied. Under our damn nose. I gave her the details of the airstrip and my email to send me an image of her.
We hung up and I sighed. Trying to wrap my mind around what just happened.
"Do you want to talk about it or do you need a minute?" Alice asked softly. This is something I like about her. She always gives options in situations like this so she doesn't overstep and make sure we get the support we require.
"I think I wanna talk." I mumbled my mind not exactly focusing.
"Ok. Let's start by looking at the picture she's emailing." She put her arms around me reaching over and pulling up my email for me. I heard her move the mouse around and click. "There it is."
I took a deep breath and looked up. She had pale hazel eyes, and dark brown wavy hair. She still has her thick lashes and warm skin.

It's really her
I let out a shakey breath.

"I take from your reaction and from the pictures I've seen this is her."Alice started. "You do need to process this and tell the boys but let's first get the jet and her room freshened up so it'll for sure be ready for her."
We updated her room every time it's needed. From crib to kiddy bed, to queen bed. Every time she would have needed a bed and room upgrade we spent her birthday fixing it up for her, so it would be ready for when she comes back. After all these years it was unlikely we'd find her, but we held onto all the hope we could; and it finally paid off.
I nodded and texted my pilot to fly one of our jets out to the closest airstrip to her. After arrangements were done I set my phone down and looked at her. She was sat on the desk to my right, she lightly cupped my cheek. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.
"It's her Alice. It's Robin." I said my voice cracking. I leaned into her touch as she caressed my cheeks.

Alice Bianchi

Sandro isn't some emotionless man. He isn't some ice cold machine, he just controls them well. Only expresses them when needed, in a place that's right.
I held his head in my hands and caressed his cheeks. He started quietly sobbing. He doesn't cry loud. I think it's just something that was ingrained in him.
As tears started rolling down his cheeks I pulled him in. He rested his head against my stomach and clung his arms around his waist. I hold him close and run my fingers through his hair. I'm gonna talk to him about it but I want him to let it out first. He doesn't cry often, so I try to let him get as many tears as he can out. It's healthier.
As his sobbing subsided, his sniffling began.
"Want to talk or need more time?" I asked gently, not wanting to push.
"Why did she do that? Did- did I do something to her? Why would she take Robin away from us? It couldn't have been for safety, she would've been safer if she was with us." He asked not looking up. Then he looked up, "We could have protected her!" He said tears welling up in his eyes once again.
"I don't know love. I can't tell you why she did it. But I do know one thing, Robin is coming home!" I said softly and gently.
"I missed so much..." he trailed off looking down again.
"Yeah, you missed a bit. But now you get to be there for every other moment. You get to see her smile, grow, mature, laugh and live the rest of her life. You and the boys get to see that. There is a lot to make up for, but the good thing is that you get the opportunity to do that." I wiped his tears with the pad of my thumbs.
I could see the gears in his mind. Processing what's happening. "I get to see my principessa..." he trailed off. "She's coming home... She's coming home Alice. I'm gonna see her again! WERE GONNA SEE HER AGAIN!! Oh my god you're gonna get to meet her!" The gears in his brain started going at the regular pace. "Oh the boys are going to be so excited." He started pacing back and forth. "Ooooh how do I broach this topic? Do I say it straight up, ease into it?" I laughed lightly. He isn't the most emotional person as I've said so these heart to heart conversations are not his element.
"How about a sit down, tell them gently, calmly answer questions. However she isn't that far, so we don't have too much prep and discussion about time, so tell them to drop everything and come home. We talk, two go pick her up, others prep her room, the house and themselves." I said trying to give him a list, in my experience it's easier to do a big task like this if your break it down into small parts.
"Okay, sent."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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