~touched by the broken soul ~

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Rodolphus sat, suffering in an all consuming silence as waterfalls of tears quietly poured from his eyes, ever so gently rocking back and forth in his seat. He stared blankly at nothing as Bellatrix screeched and wailed in absolute pain, smashing and shattering everything she touched, starting with her wand, snapping the piece of wood to splinters over her knee and hurling them across the room in a fit of rage.

The woman had just killed her own daughter, accidentally of course, but that meant nothing. Her baby was dead now. Gone. She'd never even said a word to the girl and she was now...gone.

Because of her...by her very own hand...

Bellatrix dropped to her knees, now wanting only one thing, not caring if HE would let her do it or not...she didn't need HIS authorization, HIS permission, HIS consent.

She barely knew her baby, who was only her's for as little as two years, her precious Ascella...from what Cissy had told her, she was a lot like their favourite cousin, Siri.

The woman let out a heartbroken howl, never more ripped to shreds in her life than she had ever been in that very moment.


Narcissa leant her back against the closed double doors of the Malfoy Library where Bella resided, tears of her own, trickling down her cheeks for her's and her sister's indescribable pain. Her head was tilted upwards, but her eyes were closed as if to deny the outcome of the events moments ago that she was informed of. She honestly couldn't blame her oldest sister's current actions. The Lady Malfoy left out a shuddering breath as an uneasy peace finally fell, hours later, before turning to open the doors and not surprised to find the complete devastation of her house library caused by Bellatrix. One that would not be able to be fixed with a simple reparation spell.

Her brother in law was practically catatonic on a ripped up, three seated sofa and Bella...was curled up in a fetal position, sobbing in the corner with her wand, shattered to bits and thrown to the other side of the library.

"Bella?" Narcissa murmured, ever so quietly, her voice trembling, with grief.

But it was like the older witch didn't even hear her, continuing on with her miserable weeping, coiling tighter into her own body even more to try and shut out the pain and suffering taking over her senses.

Still crying herself, the younger Black witch carefully eased down onto her knees to hug her sister as close as she could, pushing her face into Bella's neck so she could whisper, "There's nothing in this world that I could say to make you feel any better, dear sister, nothing at all. We both loved that little girl to her star and back-"

"I want nothing but to join her, Cissy," Bellatrix's was hoarse from the hours long abuse to her throat.

The blonde sucked in a deep breath, terrified and shocked by her sister's admittance, as more tears poured from her widening, silver eyes, but...not surprised.

The LeStrange sitting on the torn up sofa meters away heard his Lady wife, nodded joltingly, agreeing with her words as he, too, wished to see their daughter once again in either the next world, the next life or simply in death. As long as he could see her one more time.

Narcissa then noticed the cuts and slashes made on her sister's dress and already greyish skin, self inflicted and from the splinters of wood and shards of porcelain from the mutilated furniture and shattered vases having their own revenge from their wreckage.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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