Chapter 2: A Dungeon, and a Revelation

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   "So you say you have no memories of your past at all, other than your name and the feeling that someone is missing? How strange..." The Chikorita's brow furrowed, he's not sure what to make of his strange new Pikachu friend...

   "Yeah, it is... also is it just me or is my color scheme off a little? And why am I all sparkly?"

   "Oh, yeah, that's the sign of a shiny pokemon! I thought you knew that?"

   "Keep in mind, buddy, I don't remember anything other than my name and that someone is missing. Gimme a break, heh" The Pikachu chuckles a bit while saying this, and Aaron laughs.
   "So, do you have any clue what to do?"

   "...Not a clue, other than find what I'm missing"

   "Well, that's a start I-"

   "HELP!" The two walking pokemon are startled by this sudden shriek, and they turn to their left, where there is a massive cave. "Ohh... noo... Someone needs help, but... I don't think I'll be able to save them on my own... That's a B-Ranked mystery dungeon, and I'm only level 15..."

   "Let's go together, then. I'm not sure what level I am, but how do I check?"

   "You can look on this little device I have!" Aaron pulls a device out of the small bag he carries, and when he taps on the screen, it shows the both of them, Aaron, 15-years-old, at level 15 like he said, with a moveset of Razor Leaf, Ancient Power, Poison Powder, and Body Slam. A small Pikachu icon was next to it, that's Rebecca, 14-years-old at...

   "WOAH- YOU'RE LEVEL 47?? HOW?!" The Chikorita is shocked, staring at his Pikachu friend.

   "... yeah that makes sense." Rebecca doesn't seem very surprised at her level, or moveset of Thunderbolt, Dig, Iron Tail, and Shock Wave.

   "Okay... so I met a walking powerhouse of a Shiny Pikachu... SWEET! Well, let's go save this Pokémon then!" Aaron looks excited and dashes off to the dungeon, Rebecca following close behind with a laugh.

   "Wait up! I'll light the way!"

~a few minutes later~

   "Wow, Rebecca, you're clearing this dungeon so fast! We're already on the fifth floor! You're really strong!" Aaron compliments Rebecca as she fires off another thunderbolt, taking out the enemies that surrounded her.

   "Thanks, Aaron! You're not that bad yourself! You should be gaining a lot of experience from this, you're leveling up really fast, right?" She glances at him as they walk through a corridor, smiling. "Mhm! I've already reached level 26!" Aaron grins at her as he hands her an apple, which she happily takes from him and eats it.

   "Good. I'm going out of my way to find enemies so that you can level up a bit. Hold on for a moment." The Pikachu suddenly stops, glancing inside a room, counting the items and what they are. "Two TMS, four gummies, an apple, and a few stacks of sticks... and the stairs!" She grins slightly, before hearing Aaron gulp, and she turns to look at him, curious. "What's wrong?"

   "Well... from that description of items inside, that sounds like a monster house, a bunch of Pokémon will ambush us as soon as we enter..." Aaron looks extremely nervous about entering the room, and Rebecca smiles at him confidently. "Don't worry, I got it! My thunderbolt hits every enemy that surrounds me, so I'll be able to do a lot of damage to them all if I get them near me!"

(Aaron POV)

     "Are you sure though..? Monster houses are really dangerous..." I say, looking towards Rebecca with concern.

     "It'll be fine, Aaron, besides, we have to go in there. That's where the stairs are! Just stay behind me, cover our backs with Ancient Powers, since those can raise your stats and whatnot if we get lucky." She says to me as she stares at the staircase.

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