Prologue "The moving of the spindle"

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The lands of Greece:
filled with magic and mysteries as far as the eyes could see.
Terrains changing like the seasons of the year.
A land that, a few hundred years ago housed some of the most greatest legends in the world!

But those legends have come to pass, now it's time for a new legend to arise, the legend of a group of three unlikely people.

Few years before start of the story:

On a beach a young man would wash ashore with a odd attire and features . . .
A soldier, with no recollections of his past, with only the clothes on his back and the nightmares that haunt him...

A older woman with wings on her back would walk up to the unconscious young man . . .
A poet, a initiate who praised the god Apollo with her enchanting music! Armed with her charisma that could convince the wildest of beasts, and her words sharper than a dagger sharpened by the most experienced of blacksmiths.

A boy besides the woman with wings for arms would look at the young man with curiosity . . .
A king, a boy not born of nobility or royal blood but is now considered a king in some sense of the word by some people, a boy with a kind heart and a mischievous personality.





These three people, would go down in history as legends, how you may ask? Well why don't you and I read this little book of our unlikely heroes . . . oh! Who am I you ask? Ohoho no need to worry about that my child, but for now you can just call me "The story teller".”
The man said to the reader with a smile on his face, with eyes that burnt brighter than fire.

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