Chapter 6

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Jungkook then turned to y/n only to his surprise to discover that y/n...

was no where to be found.

* Y/N POV *

Mr.Jeon, Jungkook & Y/N then made their way off the stage

Jungkook: if you knew I was lying wouldn't that "damage your image" why would you make that public!

Mr.Jeon: you dare to lie to me?

After realizing that none of them seem to be paying i slowly try to step away

Most of his men aren't here anymore so if i was to try to escape I feel like I'll make it.

Guard: Miss?

I turned around only to see one of his guards hovering me

Y/N: ...Can you tell me where the bathroom is?

Guard: right this way


I step into the bathroom only to stop in my tracks after realizing the guard is still at the door

Y/N: you dont have to stay here you know...

Guard: I was told to keep an eye on you so that's what I'm doing.

I closed the door in annoyance

I really can't get me time around here

After looking around i notice the window, This is on the 1st floor so to climb down from it shouldn't be difficult.

* End of y/n's POV *

Y/N took her heels off and climbed up on the bathroom sink stretching to reach the window.

Achieving a firm position on the other side of the window y/n slowly let go falling on the grass outside.

Ignoring the uncomfortness of her outfit she just started running.

* Jungkook's POV *

Where the hell is she, this is not the place to go missing in

Guard: I'm so sorry sir

Jungkook: huh?

Guard: y-y/n she's gone

Jungkook: what do you mean gone?

Guard: follow me

He led the way retracing his & y/n's steps while explaining what happened

*End of Jungkook's POV*

Upon arriving in the bathroom Jungkook picked up y/n's heel then slammed the guard into the door of one of the stalls.

Jungkook: find her... NOW.

*Y/N's POV*

I'm tired...

I tried waving cars down to get a ride that didn't work

I should've ate something before escaping and not to mention the rain started falling few minutes ago

I arrived at the telephone booth, trying to dial any number that could come to mind

*telephone ringing *


*telephone ringing*

Y/N: pick up pick up

*telephone ringing*


???: hello?

Y/N: Lydia!!? its y/n, can you come get me please

Lydia: yh no problem, where are you?

Y/N: uhh-

Yh i didnt really think that through...

* End of Y/N's POV *

Y/N gave every single detail of her environment to Lydia , the buildings, the shape of the trees, the road signs...

* End of Y/N's POV*

The security brought Jungkook to the camera room after searching the building with no luck of finding Y/N

Keenly watching as she enters the bathroom followed by her jumping out the window running into the dark street.

* ring ring *

*ring ring *

???: hmm?

Jungkook: Yoongi, I have a favor.

Yoongi: tell me?


After a while Yoongi send Jungkook videos from the street cameras around their location along with a link to a location.

Watching y/n running down the street as if she was being chased, taking 5 a second rest to catch her breath and another to fix her dress.

Jungkook swiftly exited the building avoiding all the relatives that would stop him for a conversation or to gossip and be nosy.

Connecting the GPS to his car then driving off.

* End of Jungkook's POV *

Lydia: should i ask?

Y/N: no

Lydia: okay... I always tell u to tell me when you're gonna go ghost and you never did

Y/N: but thats the fun part

Y/N had a habit of disappearing without explanations or heads-up, Lydia knows this for sure because she's always the one y/n call to get her out of a certain situation, whether that be at 11 in the night or 3 in the morning.

"You freaking out, then reporting me missing, it never gets old" y/n says while laughing and hitting her leg

Lydia: oh no I've learned, i don't 'overreact' no more

Y/N: oh yh?

Lydia: yup... but im serious tho y/n, let me know, what if you got kidnapped or something, I would be thinking you're on ghost mode when this whole time you could be fighting for your life.


Lydia: oh and you got fired

Y/N: huh???

Lydia: they said you were on duty last and you forgot to lock up, the store got robbed

Y/N: oh my gosh *sigh* well damn

Lydia: we can look for another job its okay, should i drop you home?

Y/N: uhhh can I stay with instead

Lydia: hmm okay, my brother is gonna love that

Y/N: ugh

Lydia: he lovessssss you

Y/N: no he doesn't

"girl come on, its no secret" Lydia replies with a wink.


Lydia: I know im probably being paranoid and stuff but I swear that car I following us

*Y/N's POV*

There's no way...

There's no way-

Y/N: there's no- LYDIA WATCH OUT

A car came out of no were and stopped infront of us following by other cars blocking the road

Lydia: but what the f*ck

Y/N: aum Lydia I am so sorry

Lydia: what?

*End of Y/N's*

Y/N exited the car along with Lydia looking for another escape route... the result turned out negative given that they're now completely surrounded.

The door of the car that drifted infront of them opened revealing an angry Jungkook walking towards y/n

Jungkook: going somewhere?

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