04. New plan

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Since their arrival at Chiang Rai a few days ago, Ohm and Fluke had been investigating the current situation of their targets. Not to their surprise, the boys discovered that the men held the same occupations as when Ohm had found out about them since they committed the crime.

In a clear demonstration of what the corruption of the good can do for the bad, Meen and Bo still worked as drug dealers. Linked to a large cartel in the region, they were the ones who controlled how much each seller would receive, set prices and took care of accounting, which meant that they threatened and killed those who owed them money. There was only one person to who they should respond to in that area, but no one knew their identity.

Meen was a little shorter than Ohm, but he compensated for it in physical strength. He had served in the Army a few years ago and still got the skills learnt from training from that time. He sold drugs and enjoyed the profit, but he was smart enough not to use his products. On the other hand, he was used to coming home drunk after a day of "service" and hitting his wife, an ordinary girl who had been unlucky to marry the wrong guy and now suffered the consequences.

On the other hand, Bo was a short man, but even taller than Fluke, and very thin. He had bad posture, which gave him the looks that he had a back problem. His constantly wide eyes and long pointed nose gave him a rat-like appearance and he was as dirty as one. He was constantly under the influence of stimulant drugs and liked to have sex whenever he had the opportunity. However, he had a specific type: he liked minors. No matter if boys or girls, he liked to see the tears in their eyes as he took in their little bodies.

The entire community knew Meen and Bo, as well how they lived. However, the terror provoked by the drug traffic and the certainty of impunity discouraged anyone pressing charges against them. Surely no one would miss them either.

After finding out where they worked for most of the day, Fluke went there to start the plan. Ohm didn't like the idea of ​​leaving the other one alone, but the older man's argument was too precise to ignore:

"A sweet innocent-looking boy like you buying drugs? They'll kill you in 2 seconds with suspicion of being ambushed, Ohm.", and walked deliberately towards the abandoned building that had been invaded by the criminal group with the purpose to make their office there.


"Boss, look what I found!", a man said pushing Fluke in front of Meen.

"Hey, hey! Watch out! This leather jacket alone costs more than your ass!", Fluke teased, calm written in his eyes and posture despite trying to regain his balance after being manhandled like that.

"You bastard, what are you talking–", the henchman threatened to punch him, but was interrupted by Meen.

"Wait, Dom. Who are you, boy?", the man asked from behind his desk.

"None of your business!" Fluke snapped.

Meen nodded and Dom planted the punch he wanted so badly in the prisoner's stomach. Fluke fell to the ground gasping for air. The place had 5 people in addition to Meen sitting at a table and Bo in an armchair placed in the corner of the room, seeming oblivious to all the movement that passed before him, a common effect of his numb state.

"Ready to say who you are, kid?" Meen asked.

"Nobody. Really, I'm nobody. My boss sent me here to negotiate an order. That's all."

Interested in the slightest sign of profit, Meen ordered Dom to step back and spoke to Fluke in a professional tone. Business is business anywhere in the world.

As agreed, Meen's men would deliver the goods to the location Fluke had indicated, an abandoned warehouse on the docks.

"Nah-ah.", Fluke said, shaking his head many times in disagreement.

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