05. New problem

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"Mhhmm… couldn't you… wait… a little longer?", Ohm said without stopping the movement of his hips.

"I… explained… to you… why!", Fluke replied, trying to collect the last fragments of consciousness that were still left in the midst of the commotion.

Where were they? Fluke was hunched under the hood of the car as Ohm drove him insane hard and fast, following exactly the orders he had been given by the first. What had led to this sex in the middle of a parking lot at a hypermarket lost in the middle of Thailand at 6:35 pm on a Thursday? This is a completely different story and one that deserves a better explanation.


After six weeks had passed since they had executed Ohm's sister's rapists and murderers, the duo decided they would continue to do the same for others. Fluke was used to this job anyway, and while he felt a pang of resentment that he couldn't give up his career as a hitman, at the same time he was relieved to have Ohm by his side.

With each day they spent together, their partnership grew stronger, as did the feelings they had for each other. Ohm was always available for anything Fluke proposed. Fluke, who used to be a cold guy, managed to find a warm and sweet side with Ohm. The two brought out the best in each other and didn't see their job as a negative most of the time.

But what had sparked this near-desperate lust in the open air was that they had returned from a training session. I mean, Fluke had started teaching Ohm to shoot and he felt like there was nothing sexier in the world than seeing that man so focused like that. Or maybe it was the second sexiest, since what they were doing now certainly fit the first position with flying colors.

But not every day and night was spent so lightly and passionately. As Fluke well knew, this kind of life takes its toll, and considering how much innocence Ohm carried when he first met him, it was no wonder his fall was swift and deep.

Many nights Fluke would wake up to find the bed cold and Ohm sitting there staring up at the starry sky or flipping through the channels on the TV. In these moments, the eldest knew that words would not be enough to placate the bad feelings that the other was accumulating and resigned himself to showing his presence. That is, he tried to show Ohm with touches and gestures that he was nearby if he needed to. In general, it helped. After Fluke hugged Ohm or started playing with his hair, he would soon fall asleep.

Considering that this was the lifestyle they decided to choose for themselves, they alternated nightmares and consolations, but went on trying to ignore the weight of conscience. Some days were more difficult than others.


"My son was driven to suicide because of this kid, Billie. As he was the son of the local sheriff, he didn't suffer at all the consequences of his acts.", the man sitting on the sofa in front of them narrated the case of how he had lost his son, a 15-year-old boy, victim of depression that affected him as a result of bullying he suffered at school and was caused by his classmate.

"Anything else we should know about the case?", Fluke asked, keeping his tone professional.

"I don't know if it makes a difference, because the person who gave me your name said you guys did justice without caring about anything else, but Billie… he's 15 too."

That was the sentence that triggered something inside Ohm and Fluke could feel it right away, even though everything he'd done was seen as a slight change in his breathing. Ohm seemed to have frozen beside him.

"That's all the information we needed. I already have your number. We'll get in touch if we decide to take the job, okay?" Fluke said, saying goodbye to the man at the door without giving him a chance to add anything else.

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