Gotta run!

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Powder flattened herself against the roof to take a second to think. What did she have with her? What can she use to her advantage? Who's around her?

Hooked rope, spyglass, a few grenades, a smoke bomb, mask...herself. She can use the rope like she has been, to swing to another building. But the enforcers. There's a lot of them, so she would need to run and fast, it's not like she hasn't done it before, she's just always had the others with her.

They would scatter around to confused the enforcers which worked pretty well. Maybe she could do something similar. Despite the fact she's by herself...

She didn't have much time though. She'd already wasted enough just waiting around for an idea to hit her. She closed her eyes. Took a deep breath then sat back up. She unraveled the hook once more and stood up to her feet.

"C'mon c'mon gotta hurry gotta get back home-" she hoped a few times to hype herself up, then did a mad dash for the edge of the room, leaped off and swung her rope.

It hooked to the shingles and she hit the building wall for just a second before she pushed herself away and climbed as fast as she could.

"Who's that?!" "Did that person come out of the building?" "They don't look from here!"

Several people called out the moment she took off, only a few were audible but she knew people were going to be after her soon enough.

She made it up onto the roof, re-coiled the rope around her arm then continued running. "Gotta go gotta run gotta get hooomme-" she though while running.

She took the roughly same path she did coming up here.

Enforcer Snares and bullets shot past her every time she made contact with ground level. So she avoided there as much as possible. It would be pretty hard explaining a gunshot would or wire burn to the others after supposedly "staying home."

She finally got to a spot she could hide and catch her breath. She breathed slowly and deeply so no one passing could hear. Heavy Footsteps marched passed, the sounds of metal and concrete slamming into each other echoed between the alleyways of piltover, and nearly through the entire city as enforcers searched for her, others, and ran to the scene of the crime she didn't mean to stumble into.

"No time, I've got no time I gotta get back to running"
She took her final deep breath then took off again. This time with the mask over her face, hood up, and brain tucked into it.

She made it to the edge of piltover, right where the street drops off into the undercity. It was fenced off to prevent people from Accidentally walking or driving off. Which seemed nearly impossible to her.

She hopped up and began climbing the fence. It was tall with thick metal bars layered atop one another with small gaps in between. She thought about using the hoot but it would take to long to get it latched on properly and there's very little it could stay on well enough to hold her weight.

"WADDYA DOIN UP THERE?!" A voice roared from behind her. She took barely a second to look at who it came from. It was a hugely built enforcer. If he was here then others were soon to come. She didn't respond and just continues climbing. No time to waste, to much to lose.

Just as she'd thought, others followed behind the enforcer, she heard more Snares hit parts of the fence under her. Once she'd finally reached the top before she heard the clattering of weaponry being prepared.

Out of panic she dropped down. There was nothing under her for roughly 70 feet, maybe even a hundred. The wind was screaming past her ears and she was disoriented by the adrenaline.

She had only a second to react, and she did so by slamming her hand into the wall she was falling next to. The sticky pads on her glove reacted, not by stopping her fall, but slowing it down enough for her to put her other hand on the wall.

She gradually lost speed, it still only took her a few extra seconds to reach the ground. While not the most desirable outcome it helped her land with no more than a sprained wrist and a buncha bruises, which is much better than the previously predicted outcome.

She took a much needed break. Her gloves her torn up quite a bit as to be expected. And she was almost completely winded, she repeated the deep breaths she was doing earlier to calm down and regain her thoughts.

"They worked...the sticky pads actually saved my life! Granted it would have been easier if I'd brought a hoverboard but...those are difficult and these really worked! And the ones on my shoes are still in okay shape..."

She sat with her back against the dirty wall and let out a looong exhale.

Maybe taking a small break from these types of adventures was a good idea...though knowing her, a small break really only meant missing out on one trip, getting jealous, then insisting to go on the next one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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