Chapter Six

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            I burst through the doors, launching myself on him for a hug. An outsider would explain the hug as sappy, but I don’t. He’s my best friend, and he’s leaving.

            “Presley,” he grunts, grabbing a hold of me and trying to keep his balance. “You’re here.”

            Pulling back, I let myself fall to the ground, relieving Dakoda of the extra weight. He’s not weak, but he’s not exactly the strongest person I’ve ever met. “You asked me to.”

            Yesterday, mom gave the phone telling me that somebody was asking for me. Her facial expression wasn’t exactly the nicest thing in the world. She probably thought that it was dad finally deciding to come back.

            Get a grip, mom, I think to myself. He’s over us. He’s not coming back. Stop wishing for something that will never happen.

            “Oh yeah,” Dakoda says, smirking, “I did, didn’t I?”

            Chuckling, my eyes begin to roam around the room that Dakoda’s staying in until he leaves. Apparently, he got CPS to postpone the date that he leaves so that he could talk to me. So yesterday, which was the appointed date for him to leave, he called me up and told me that I had to come otherwise he’d cry.

            I couldn’t let Dakoda cry.

            The room didn’t look the homiest, but I suppose that it suffices for now. It’s definitely better than the room that he had back home, but it’s still pretty hospital-like. White bed sheets, white walls, white floors – I don’t know how they keep it clean.

            “Nice room,” I comment, sticking my hands in my front jean pockets and nodding my head. “It’s very…clean?”

            “The cleanest,” he says, grinning and tilting his head to the side momentarily. “Anyway, I didn’t ask you to come here so that we could talk about my temporary, sucky, clean room.” He voice got noticeable quieter as more and more words spilled out of his mouth. “I’m so sorry, Presley. You know I am.”

            I purse my lips, not able to look directly in his eyes. He can’t see me cry. “It’s cool.” I’m trying to keep my cool; I really am.

            “No, it’s not,” he says, sitting down on the sterile bed. “But I do need you to know something.”


            Dakoda gives me a sad smile, patting the spot beside him. I shake my head no, but move forward a bit. “Nothing’s going to keep us apart, Pres.”

            “And why do you figure that?” I ask, rolling my lip into my mouth. Nothing’s going to keep us apart? Yeah right. About 100 miles is going to keep us apart. “Why do you figure that distance isn’t? Distance ruins everybody, Dakoda.”

            “Not us.”

            It’s terrifying how he sounds so deadly serious.

            “It won’t ruin us, Presley, I swear.”

            “What do you even freaking mean by that?” I can feel my anger rising as well as my voice. He can’t swear anything that he can’t keep. There’s no way that he’s going to be able to keep his ‘promise’. Distance can do anything to us. We will become different people just because of distance. Miles and miles away will affect our relationship; we won’t know each other the same way that we used to.

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