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I’m in the courtroom sitting in between Logan and Dakoda. Child Protective Services postponed his departure yet again and allowed him to come to the hearing with me for support. I’m glad because I don’t think I’d ever be able to get through this without him.

            From beside me, Dakoda squeezes my hand reassuringly. Leaning in toward my ear, he whispers, “Everything will turn out okay.”

            Surprising, I believe him. I squeeze his hand back, even though he doesn’t need any reassuring.

            John sits in front of me, his head of thick, black curls in my line of sight. Today, he’s being tried for first degree murder, kidnap, child neglect, and domestic abuse.

            Apparently, after John paid his little visit to my brother, Logan called the police. I don’t know how he knew where the warehouse was, but he did. As soon as the police broke down the doors, John shot mom for the last time before being shot himself. To my dismay, he wasn’t seriously injured. After shooting him, they quickly got him back to the hospital.

            Six weeks later, we’re all in the courtroom, awaiting the jury’s decision on whether or not John is guilty or not.

            They’d be stupid to say he’s innocent.

            Suddenly, a member from the jury stands up and walks over to the judge with an envelope in his hand. Once the judge gets it, he reads the verdict. He looks at Dakoda, Logan, and I, but I feel like he’s just looking at me. A small smile that I’m sure only I see overcomes his face, and he says, “The members of the jury find Mr. Adams…”

            We wait in silence, our fingers crossed.


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