Meeting the new boss

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Winn hey do you know when I can post these photos I need you too please help me. Kara you need too ask boss. No I don't , Kara behind you ugh. Excuse me!!! Yes can I help you with something? Yes you said you don't have to ask the boss? Yes why? I'm the new boss and you will ask me go it. Yes mom, she is going too fire you stop talking. You won't fire me I'm the best photographer here I just give a little smile and look at Winn. How about you follow me in the office now mrs Danvers. I just shrug and follow her. Can I help you with something? Yea watch your tone with me. You are very young too work here. Don't you think that you are a little young to be a boss. Fair enough, well get back to work I will talk to you in a bit. You did not get fired.

 You did not get fired

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