Chapter Four

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Socioeconomics is really fucking boring.

Haruto couldn't believe that he was paying this college's overpriced tuition just so he could watch some old guy regurgitate the same shit he could've found in a Wikipedia article.

We get it. Consumer demand up, economic activity up, shut the fuck up...

As if hearing his silent plea, the professor finally started wrapping up his 88-slide PowerPoint. Haruto had to physically stop himself from heaving a sigh of relief.

"Alright class, that's it for today. Your assignment is due Tuesday, okay? Come see me if you need anything."

"Yeah, I won't be seeing that guy any more than I physically have to," Haruto mumbled as he started packing up.

A boy with tan skin and sharp eyes smirked at his comment. "Oh come on, not a big fan of Mr. Snore-Fest?"

"Not at all. And don't pretend that you like him either, Jeongwoo."

The boy in question just scoffed and started stretching his arms. "Touche," he said through a yawn. "Whatever, there's worse professors. At least this guy doesn't wake me up when I fall asleep in his class."

"Which you do way too often," Haruto gibed. "Why did you even go to college if you're just gonna treat it like a really expensive nap fest."

"Because you wanted to go."

The taller boy hummed disinterestedly, not quite giving much thought to the words. "How heartwarming."

The two boys shortly finished packing their things and made their way out of the lecture hall. They wandered across the sparsely occupied campus, no clear destination in mind.

The fresh spring air engulfed them like an embrace as they walked. It was almost like a scene from a k-drama, with newly blossomed flowers fluttering in the breeze, giggling college kids roaming the space, and the midday sun shining like no tomorrow.

Haruto rarely took the time to enjoy the novelty of his youth, but even he felt like he was experiencing something meant to be savored.

Jeongwoo breathed in dramatically beside him.
"Wow, I feel like I'm in a romance movie. Don't you think this is romantic, Rutoya?" he asked with a teasing lilt to his voice.

Haruto glanced disgustedly at his only friend as he made doe-eyes at him, fluttering his lashes.

"Not with you, dick head." He smacked Jeongwoo in the back of his head, causing the boy to sputter indignantly.

"Ah! That hurt!"

"Yeah, it was supposed to."

The other boy made an annoyed face at Haruto as he continued to rub the back of his head.

Ah, whatever. Jeongwoo would get over it.

After all, he always did. His best friend's inherent ability to 'get over things' is probably the only reason that he was his best friend.

Haruto was a hard person to be around, he was self-aware enough to admit that. He was moody, cold, and borderline inconsiderate most of the time, but Jeongwoo endured his less-than-ideal personality as if it was not even something that had to be 'endured'.

Sure, they would fight. Haruto would brood. But eventually, Jeongwoo would come back like nothing had happened and ask to play a round of Mario Kart.

Their friendship didn't need apologies. All it needed was an outstretched hand and someone willing to give over and over again despite never getting much in return.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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