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psychofreak (feat. WILLOW) 

Camila Cabello

< II >


girl power + joe <3 

KARLIE KLOSS is online. 

Karlie: Where's Taylor? 
Camila: Hi Kar
Gigi: Somewhere with Joe
Karlie: ???
Gigi: I'm sure it's platonic
Camila: No it is
Camila: If it wasn't then I wouldn't be encouraging it
Karlie: It better be
Gigi: Where's Selena? 

SELENA GOMEZ is online. 

Selena: she's not romantically out with joe
Selena: you guys do know they might not be online but they can still see our messages
Karlie: And? 
Selena: alrighty

TAYLOR SWIFT is online.

JOE ALWYN is online.

Taylor: hi karlie
Joe: Hi
Taylor: we went out to get starbucks and talk about the acting industry
Karlie: Oh
Taylor: it was platonic
Joe: Yeah, I respect you guys
Selena: righty, i'll go to instagram now to leave you guys alone
Karlie: So, acting industry?
Taylor: yeah, it's something i barely dived into but i'm interested
Joe: Which is why I said that there's this Cats movie that she could act in
Taylor: and karls, you KNOW i love cats! :D
Karlie: I'm aware babe
Joe: So I told her to hit me up if she wants to do it and I'll let the director know.
Taylor: isn't that amazing
Karlie: Uh huh
Camila: See, platonic
Joe: Yeah, we saw the messages.. 
Taylor: mhm
Karlie: Yeah well you can see the messages, but It won't change the way I see you. 
Taylor: can't you just be happy for me? for this new acting opportunity? 
Karlie: I'm trying, Taylor. But considering the way you've acted for this guy when you just met him, it's affecting the way I look at him. 
Taylor: he's a friend! he's not doing any harm
Karlie: Ok
Taylor: so what?? do you just wanna take a break? 
Karlie: I never said that? 
Taylor: you're clearly acting like you want one

JOE ALWYN is offline.

Taylor: look what u made him do
Karlie: Stop quoting your dumb songs
Taylor: dumb??? ok yeah break starts now. 

SELENA GOMEZ is online. 

Selena: what did i walk into..?


a/n: hey! guys i need more friends add me on discord >:( 


new chapter coming soon, i promise. i know this was a short one, but longer ones r coming

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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