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EasyCamila Cabello

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Camila Cabello



girl power💘 + joe

TAYLOR SWIFT is online.

Taylor: this group chat is dead isn't it

KARLIE KLOSS is online.

Karlie: No? We've been talking in it every day


Camila: You've just haven't been texting you weirdo
Taylor: wow wow okay all this hate
Karlie: I-
Taylor: you heard me
Taylor: anyways lol
Taylor: i'm bored, and i don't know how to spend my sunday morning
Karlie: It's the afternoon baby
Camila: Its 1pm Taylor
Taylor: it's literally the same thing
Karlie: No it isn't
Taylor: yes it is. it's the same thing.
Karlie: Okay whatever
Taylor: n e ways
Taylor: where's sel
Camila: I'm not sure. I think she's busy

SELENA GOMEZ is online.

Selena: i was listening to false god my bad
Selena: good song lol
Karlie: The whole album is good
Taylor: indeed
Camila: Okay but Romance...?
Taylor: sorry no bye
Camila: Romance is better than Lover

JOE ALWYN is online.

Karlie: Okay guys that's enough
Joe: I haven't listened to Romance. But London Boy is good.:)
Taylor: yeah it was made for a specific person
Joe: It's such a coincidence, 'cause I live in London
Taylor: oh REALLY?
Taylor: cause it's not like i looked it up or anything


"cause it's not like i looked it up or anything"

Joe: Haha
Taylor: hehe:)
Karlie: So I have to go host for Project Runway:(
Taylor: awh:( without me?
Karlie: I'm sorry
Taylor: what's that show about again?
Karlie: TAYLOR! I told you it's about designers and it's about them making garments for certain challenges that we choose
Taylor: oh
Taylor: we're not having this discussion that lover is better than romance, cause it is no matter what

GIGI HADID is online.

Taylor: i'm sorry camz, you're my best friend but i think it's best to say that my album is better than yours
Camila: I
Gigi: I think it's best to say that no ones album is better than anyones album
Taylor: what's the fun in that
Camila: Exactly

Taylor: i'm sorry camz, you're my best friend but i think it's best to say that my album is better than yoursCamila: IGigi: I think it's best to say that no ones album is better than anyones albumTaylor: what's the fun in thatCamila: ExactlyKarlie:

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Taylor: this is just unnecessary at this point
Karlie: Oops

JUSTIN BIEBER is online.

Justin: purpose is the best album
Taylor: literally go away
Selena: period
Karlie: Okay guys lets stop arguing
Taylor: 1989 is a masterpiece
Camila: Whatever
Gigi: Guys please
Gigi: No ones album is better
Taylor: fine
Taylor: it's 3 already omg
Taylor: karlie go out with me
Karlie: Did you not just listen to anything i said around an hour ago??
Taylor: um lemme scroll up one sec
Karlie: Omg
Taylor: oh you're hosting
Karlie: Yes. Yes I am
Taylor: oh okay
Karlie: In fact I have to get ready now
Taylor: awh:(
Taylor: bye ily
Karlie: Love you too

KARLIE KLOSS has gone offline.

Selena: sometimes i just wonder
Selena: does karlie ever get tired of you
Taylor: i wonder that too
Taylor: i miss her😔
Joe: I wouldn't see why she could get tired of you, you're a cool person to be with:)
Selena: oh-
Taylor: i'm gonna go to sleep
Selena: didn't you just say you wanted someone to hang out with you?
Taylor: yeah lol
Joe: I'll hang out. You're in LA right? I'm at Hollywood right now
Taylor: omg
Taylor: omg
Taylor: omg okay
Taylor: wanna go to starbucks there?
Joe: Sure, lol
Selena: oh my
Taylor: ill see you there!!❤️❤️
Joe: Seeya💛

JOE ALWYN has gone offline.

TAYLOR SWIFT has gone offline.

a/n: i forgot how fun updating this story was lolol. please enjoy:)

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