Chapter 16

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David, Summer, and Henry were walking to Granny's. As they were heading inside, Dr. Whale was coming out. "I want a word with you." He said to David.

Without warning, David punched him in the face. "Dad!" Summer said.

"What the hell was that for?" Victor asked.

"For sleeping with my wife." David said.

"Kathryn?" Victor asked.

"Snow." David clarified.

"I'm sorry." Victor said. "I didn't know. We were cursed."

"Yeah. I get it." David said, sarcastically.

"I still would like a word with you." Victor said.

"Summer, go inside with Henry and get a table." David said. "I'll be in in a minute."

Summer walked inside with Henry. David joined them a few minutes later. "Was it really necessary to punch him?" Summer asked. "They were cursed. He didn't know that Snow was your wife."

"You're right. It was wrong of me." David said. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Taylor, what was the hardest thing for you with having your memories during the curse?" Henry asked.

Summer thought about finding her father the first night of the curse. Having to see him in a coma for twenty eight years. And finding him at the Toll Bridge. "I don't want to talk about it." Summer said.

"I would think it would be having to see your father in a coma all those years." Henry said.

Instead of saying anything, Summer stood up and stormed out of the diner. She could hear her father calling after her, but she ignored it.

"Summer!" David called, catching up to her and stopping her. Summer turned around to face him. He lead her over to a bench. "Are you ok?" David asked. Summer shook her head. "Talk to me." David said. "Please."

Summer was quiet for a moment. "Do you know how hard it was for me to see you in coma?" She said. "Regina's not the only one that found you on the side of the road. I found you the first night of the curse when I was looking for you and I couldn't do anything about it."

David sat there, quietly listening to his daughter.

"I started volunteering at the hospital so I could see you." Summer continued. "And then you woke up and I thought we were going to find you dead at the Toll Bridge." Summer was now sobbing.

David pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair, comfortingly.

"I was so scared that I had lost you." Summer said with her face buried in her father's shoulder. "I couldn't even be upset about it because Graham would have known something was up."

"Shh, it's ok." David assured her. "Look at me, sweetheart." Summer pulled away and looked up at her father. "I can't imagine what it was like for you to see me like that and I'm so sorry you did." David said. "But, you know what. I'm ok. I'm fine now." Summer nodded. "Take a minute to calm down and we'll go back to the diner." David said as he wiped the tears from his daughter's eyes.

Summer took a few moments to calm herself down. "You ok?" David asked. Summer nodded. "Let's get back to the diner." David said.

"Come on, Grandpa." Summer said. David chuckled. "Oh. Guess what." Summer said.

"What?" David asked.

"Not long into the curse, I came across the stables and found Delilah." Summer said.

"Really?" David asked. Delilah was Summer's white stallion horse from the Enchanted Forest. The horse was from the farm that Summer lived on with her father and grandmother. The horse was born when Summer was little and has loved the horse since.

"I tried riding a few times, but it wasn't the same as when we used to ride together." Summer said. "Can we go riding sometime?"

"Of course." David said. The two walked back into the diner.

"I'm sorry, Taylor." Henry said. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"Henry!" Summer said, starting to get upset again. She tried to stay calm. "Please don't call me Taylor. My name is Summer." "Henry, I know you're curious about the curse and everything." David said. "But, maybe you should leave Summer be."

"Sorry." Henry said.

"Summer." Summer heard someone say. Summer turned around to see Christopher, or Andy. "Christopher!" She said.

"Hello Christopher." David greeted. "Nice to see you again."

"You too, sir." Christopher said. Summer continued to eat her lunch.

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