A misunderstanding

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Helloo everybody reading! Welcome to Chapter 4! Last chapter will-ho and han-yi got into a real relationship! It was rushed yes. But of course something is Awaiting in Chapter 4. Let's see how they are. enjoyy

Will-ho Pov:

I did it.. I asked Han-yi to be my girlfriend, With my grandfathers acceptance. But Now I actually have to try not getting frustrated when I am disturbed. But she's an employee of mine, I'm sure she won't disturb me. She has her own work to do. This relationship might and might not work. but i hope nothing goes wrong! Was it quick for a confession..? I hope not..

I was taking a walk through the halls and saw Han-yi, I was about to surprise her but then I saw a man hugging her. Who is that..? She never mentioned a Brother.. or any other man in her life except her father! I need to confront her. As I was walking towards her the man grabbed her hand and ran. Does he know I'm following them? When I was about to confront them they stopped. The man had to go. He was walking towards me.. Han-yi saw me and she looked like she saw a ghost. I looked at the man with a death stare, The one that my grandfather taught me. The man and I were looking eye to eye what he did shocked me..

???: Sir. it is certainly nice to meet you.

Will-ho: who are you. what is your relationship with Han-yi?

???: She's my ex.

Will-ho: Are you trying to get back with her?! Stay away.

???: You don't understand I-

Will-ho: I don't want to hear excuses. LEAVE.

???: Jeez. Fine.

As he was leaving Han-yi was gone. I looked for her in every office. She wasn't in her station as well.. Where could she have gone? Her colleagues passed me, I had to ask them where she went. They said that she's in her leave days. How could this be? I saw her... I saw her standing with her ex giving eachother hugs and more stuff... Am I seeing things..? Do I need a doctor ?? I needed to call Han-yi.

*Call declined* Why did she decline the call.. Is she.. Hiding something? Ugh I can't deal with this. I'll talk to her in the morning. I'll just text her.
Will-ho: We're you at work earlier?
Han-yi: No, Did something happen?
Will-ho: I saw you with your ex earlier... he was giving you hugs and a present.
Han-yi: Chaeyoun? He delivered me his present.. Did he go to my office?
Han-yi: ....
Will-ho: what? No reply? Are you already cheating on me?
Han-yi: What.. No!
Will-ho: we're done. Go back to chaeyoung. I don't want to see you again.

Han-yi pov:
Did he just break up with me.. over chaeyoung? Hais.. I need to go to chaeyoung. As I was rushing to chaeyoungs house I saw him peaking out the window, What is he doing.. I knocked on his door and he answered it quickly.

Han-yi: Chaeyoung! Did you go to my office?
Chaeyoung: Yeah, I asked your colleagues where you were, then i stumbled upon some weird guy in a suit telling me to leave.
Han-yi: Will-ho.. Ah... I see. Thank you. Tell Mimi I said Hi
Chaeyoung: Alright, I will.
I left knowing that will-ho was wrong. Chaeyoung is my friend now.. and he has a fiancé named Mimi.. Did he get jealous? Childish but.. cute, I still love Will-ho.. and I know he does too. I need to clear things out with him.


Uh oh cliff-hanger, Merry Christmas everyone<3 This is short as hell but we good. Stay tuned for chapter 5<33

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