::i swear, felix, nothing bit me!::

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the heavy oak door slid shut with a loud bang, only infuriating the zombies even more. in their brain-hungry state, they crowded against the small window, hitting bloody fists and heads against it and each other in a fit of grunts and snarls.

"holy shit!" all eight boys panted heavily as they stumbled in the classroom, just barely making it to safety. one boy, oldest of the bunch, ran a hand through his brown hair, pushing himself up off his knees and making his way to the center of the room. he sat on a desk with a huff, looking around at his friends. he counted each one, keeping track of all seven and sighing with slight relief.

"are you all okay?" he spoke lowly, his aussie accent more prominent from the stress and fear taking its toll. his friends nodded, some groaning in response in an exhausted dissonance.

"this is fucked," a boy spoke, his quokka-like cheeks smeared with blood that thankfully wasn't his own. he limped around to the front of the room and stood at the door, observing the clammor of dead bodies outside, more alive than ever and trying to claw their way in.

someone hummed in agreeance, the only sound amongst the eight anxious guys for a long while. though they didn't say a word, the energy conveyed everything they thought. and they all thought the same thing: all of them were dead.

a particular blonde boy, hair stained red with blood, picked his head up off his crossed arms resting on a desk. he scanned the room, observing how his friends responded to the petrifying situation they have gotten into.

chan leant against a desk, wincing whenever he blunk due to a gnarly gash on his cheek.

minho sat by the window, walking his fingers boredly across the sill.

changbin, slumped against a row of cabinets, held his head in his hands.

jisung still stood motionless by the door, keeping watch of the zombies locked on the other side.

seungmin and jeongin were sharing silent comforting glances, seungmin patting the younger on his shoulder.

felix continued to skim the room for hyunjin, whom he was the closest out of everyone in the group. he had found him in an apprehensive state curled up in the corner. his head bobbed around on his neck, silent grunts leaving his lips as he brought his knees up to his chest.

felix quietly stood up, shaking legs carrying him over to the older boy. he stood over hyunjin, who slowly looked up to meet his eyes.

something was wrong. those weren't his eyes.

maybe it was because he was traumatized. they all were.

"hey," felix whispered, crouching down to a squat in front of hyunjin. a corner of his lip curled up into a smile when he heard the younger boy speak.

"hey," hyunjin replied, his voice hoarse with dread and face pale as a ghost. felix moved next to him, sitting down and folding his legs under him. hyunjin's aura felt so off; the energy of the usually giddy boy was scarily unsteady. felix's face softened to a concerned expression as he brushed hyunjin's tangled bangs out of his face.

"you alright?" he asked, seeing hyunjin's knee bounce rapidly up and down in his peripheral.

"i'm okay," the scared boy replied, ghosting a chuckle as he admired felix's features. "i'm just worried is all."

the blonde picked hyunjin's arm up from his lap, interlocking their fingers and giving his hand an assuring squeeze.

"we all are," he comforted. "but we'll be okay soon, i promise you. we're strong together, we'll get out of this."

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