Chapter 3

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Finally, school was back to being in person. Although the students had to wear masks, they were excited to see each other.

Jungkook would pull at his mask, Seokjin would fix it as they walked to the big building. He looked up, the building was so big for his kindergarten class!

He was walked inside and greeted by his teacher as well as the assistant teacher. He immediately jumped into the class and well, Seokjin and Namjoon didn't exist now.

Seokjin sniffled a little as they walked out his youngest little baby was already in school. Now what?

He usually hung out with Jungkook while the boys were at school if he wasn't at the studio. Now it was just him, to be productive he went and practiced.

Jungkook always sat in the corner with his toys and watched his papa dance. Sometimes he even joined, now the corner was empty. He frowned as he looked in the mirror to the empty corner.

No excited giggles, no running and hugging onto his legs, just silence. He sighed and started practicing again. He was putting together a tour for the end of the year and needed to work hard.

However, Jungkook was having a blast! He finally saw his friends in person and got to play with toys. He did miss his parents at times but didn't dwell on it.

He was nonstop talking about his brothers, his daddy and his papa. So far, his ODD wasn't bad or really provoked anyway. He was doing well with counting and saying his ABC's as well.

It was a different story for Jimin. Taehyung wasn't in his class which already made him anxious. Although, he was older now he still wanted Taehyung in his class to help him stay calm. He didn't know anyone in the class and didn't want to talk to them.

They were given work to do with a partner of their choice. Jimin was nervous on picking a partner. Not even his friends were in his class! It was unfair!

He quietly talked to the student next to him just to finish. Once done, he began doodling in his notebook to distract himself. Taehyung had some friends in his class, but being a social butterfly he was all over the classroom talking.

He did get in trouble a few times for being talkative but that never made him sad. Finally, it was recess he saw Jimin sitting by himself.

He frowned and went to his twin,"minnie? Do you wanna play?" He held his hand out which his twin gladly accepted. He smiled and played with Taehyung the whole time. Even shyly making new friends with his twins help.

The kids were in his class and he felt a bit more comfortable. Yoongi was working on a project with Yeosang. He was happy he got to help decorate their box they had for their presentation.

"Look this can hang up here like it's the moon"Yoongi grinned as Yeosang did the same and nodded,"that's a good idea!"

"Thank you" he smiled, they finished up the box and admired their work. The presentation would be the next day so now they had some free time.

Hoseok was a bit upset. Even if he felt more confident, his classmates still talked about his lisp that was very present. He sighed and sat by himself and worked on the paper he was given.

He usually always volunteered to read out loud. Now he was praying he wouldn't be called on his teacher noticed and pulled him aside.

"Is everything okay Hoseok? You love reading out loud"

"Everyone thinks I sound weird. I don't want to read anymore" he said truthfully the teacher sighed and worked with him to find who exactly was making fun of him so it would be taken care of.

Once they were all picked up they talked about their day. Seokjin smiled and took them home. Namjoon was still working on a very important project which kept him back a few hours.

When Seokjin began dinner, Namjoon walked in and was welcomed with hugs as usual. He chuckled and hugged back,"hey boys, have a good first day back in school?"

"Ish bwig!" Jungkook announced. He rambled on and on about how big the school was and everything they did as well.

Namjoon smiled and listened to each and every one of them. He was happy they had a good day. Even Hoseok agreed he had a good day once the problem was taken care of.

It was a nice thing to hear. When laying in bed, Seokjin sighed and talked about how much he missed having Jungkook with him at the company.

His little Kookie was growing up. Too fast for his liking, it made him think back to when they first got him. Their bubbly little bunny was growing up and in school now.

He could only imagine what it was going to be like moving forward with all of the kids growing up


Hi! I'm back FINALLY. I'm sorry it's taken so long my mental health hasn't been that great lately. I've also been super busy since I get my associates in elementary teaching in almost 2 months!! Thank you for sticking around I'm sorry this chapter was short I kinda hit a stump and wrote what made sense. Next chap will be better promise!
Thank you for staying while I was gone <3
Love you all!!

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