frozen island

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In the middle of the dissert there's something laying it's called dungeon but because of its environment that will burn you alive many people try not to approach it but it's different
When it's come to adventurer they gained power from experience points you need up to
Lv10 when a normal human try to level up
They always die because of the environment there but somehow human began to change because of the madness and the Atlantic become I solated it's means when you tried
Approach it you will become a solid as ice unfortunately even the adventurer that tried to approach it died because of the 0% clear rate human fear it and it's became prohibited
Now that the whole Atlantic is sealed
But that  the story tell not me
I been living in Atlantic for a whole years now
When a strong cold killed all the people from my country and that moment I gained a skill it's
Cold resistance
Description: immunity to all cold type
It's pretty cool and my only source of food is my skill is called gacha muhahaha
You must be wandering what happened to my to when I eat it
Actually I'm going to die when if I don't have my
Skill and it's called isolation you will trapped in the white space you can edit the environment
Depending on your level and you can spawn
Anything you can think of anything actually
You need to win in gacha to spawn a living being in their it's open a probability to acquire and I can do it forever because it costs you nothing even mana no limit
But the most useful skill That I gained
Is called hee, that the skill. Name but it's probably weird in your pov but not me
And here the description
Legendary skill :Hee
Description : you can translate any language
, You can heal your lose bone,head and wound
, You can learn faster from doing something
TL:hee it's the weirdest skill that I ever heard but it's pretty cool and you can die peacefully
And my name is dragon pro In short goro
Erase the  dranp and that's it pretty neat huh
Government [pov]
Assistant : general there's another dungeon that form in Atlantic  and you see it in the window.
General: hhmm send a the new developed magic item and explore it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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