ⵊꜰ ᮀᮛ ꜰɪʀsᮛ ʏᎏ᎜ ᮅᮏɮᮛ sᮜᮄᮄᮇᮇᮅ, ʟɪᎇ, ʟɪᎇ ᎀɢᎀɪɎ

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A few days later

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A few days later...

MY hands gently wrapped the bandage round and round Ledger's wrist, I'd grimace everytime he winced in pain.

"Sorry." I mumbled anxiously, I didn't want to hurt him even more.

"It's okay, my fault for getting hurt." He tried to chuckle by it came out as more of an involuntary groan.

"Thank you for coming over, I did try to sort myself out, y'know being a doctor an all..." he shifted to the side slightly to look at me, "But this is my good hand and I can't do much with my weak one." He gestured to his injured wrist splayed on the counter.

"So what happened again?" I asked softly, sticking a piece of security tape onto the bandage to hold it tight in place.

"I was building Diem's new bed upstairs, but as I was taking down her old one, part of the frame snapped and sliced my wrist." He hissed in pain as he turned lifted his hand up.

"My god, that could've broken whilst Diem was on it and really could have hurt her." I sighed and shook my head slightly.

"That's what I was thinking, the snap in the frame looked like it had been forcefully weakened." My brows furrowed at his words.

"Almost as if someone had tried to bend it a few times so it would snap eventually." Ledger mumbled, my eyes widened as I thought of one person...

"But I mean that's not possible because nobody's been here except me and Diem." He shrugged.

No Ledger, but maybe A has...

My feet tucked up under my legs, I smiled over at Ledger as he thinned his eyes to try and figure out what film to put on for us.

After finishing dinner that I watched Ledger make and gawked at him everytime he turned his back on me, fucking hell he looked good cooking, stop Quinn; We decided to curl up on the couch and watch a film, I'd most likely stay the night on this couch because I'd had two glasses of wine and the thought of trekking home made me groan in pain.

"How's everything been at work?" Ledger asked me softly, his hand gently came down to rest on my knee.

"It's okay, stressful at some points but enjoyable the most, the kids I teach are all lovely." I smiled over at him and glanced down to his hand, his thumb had begun brushing over my skin.

The film ended up being background noise as we chatted away about random things, Ledger was going to collect Diem early in the morning as it was his day off work, I had a half-day tomorrow as all I needed to do was go through files.

𝑇𝐻𝐞 𝑇𝐌𝐞𝑆 𝑇𝐻𝐎𝑇 𝐵𝐌𝑁𝐷 𝑈𝑆-𝐜𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠Where stories live. Discover now