All his life he has been a test subject for the super soldier serum and adding adamantium to his skeleton . And now his on the run from the anti mutant organization. While meeting earth mighties hero, will he be able to become a hero or will he be o...
Adrian:ugh, morning my worst enemy. What day is it today?
Adrian then take his phone to look what day is it.
Adrian:FUCK it's Monday. And it's 6.55am.
Adrian:..................SHIT, I'M LATE
Adrian then jump from his bed and fell down. Face first
??:big bro, you OK there I hear something fell down
Adrian:ugh, yeah I'm OK sera, I just fell from my bed. But why didn't you wake me up. We are late now
Adrian:será, answer me please.
Then suddenly the door open, showing a man in his twenty's.
John:Adrian, hey come kid será died when your still a kid
Adrian:(sad tone) oh, right
John:come on today is your consert, you should be happy, she wants you to be happy, Ad.
Adrian:right, then because the consert is at 7pm I'm going to sleep again
Just when Adrian where going to his bed. John pull him out of his room.
John:nope, you still have school. So get ready to go to school.
Adrian sighed because he knows that John will never let him skip school. He met John when he and Sera were five years old. And since John want to have kids. He adopt them. And when John heard Adrian sing to Sera. He asked Adrian, does Adrian want to be a singer and Adrian said yes. And because John is the CEO of a famous agency, he hire Adrian. But he ask can he change his name to Jason Todd and John approve and after a year the name of Jason Todd is famous.
Now we see Adrian going to his bookshelf and he pull the Norse Mythology book,Sera's favorite. And the bookshelf move to the side showing an entrance and a elevator . Adrian goes inside the entrance and then he goes inside the elevator. He pressed the button and the elevator goes down. And when the elevator stop he gets out and see
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(The credit doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the one who made it) The batcave
He build it when his 14 years old with some help from John.
Adrian the goes to his armory. And see
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Adrian: Ace, how's the project X? ( Ace is Adrian's AI, he made it when he was 8 years old.)
Ace: The project X is at 15 percent, sir
Adrian:Ok, how about the other?
Ace: The other is ready, sir.
Ace: Sir, you have 30 minutes before the school starts.
Adrian:I'm going, get the car ready. The fast one
Adrian:oh, how about John, is he out?
Ace:Yes sir, master John is already on his way to his office
Adrian:Thanks, ace
Ace: You're welcome, Master Todd.
Time skip
Now we see Adrian with his school uniform facing his car
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Adrian then goes inside his car and Started His Car And you can hear the engine roaring
Teaser for the next chapter
We see Adrian inside his batcave making a new upgrade for his suit and tech. When Ace telling him there's a phone call.
Ace:Master Todd, there's a call for you in line 8
Adrian:Put him on speaker
Ace:Yes, sir.
?? :Hello, Jason.
Adrian:Hello, phill.
Phill: I'm going to call in that favor that you owe me
(sorry to cut this short but I need to get my brain refresh first so after this I'm going to upload the nex chapter but I'm still working on it, see ya! Adrian signing out)