All his life he has been a test subject for the super soldier serum and adding adamantium to his skeleton . And now his on the run from the anti mutant organization. While meeting earth mighties hero, will he be able to become a hero or will he be o...
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Now we see our MC standing in front of John's tomb, when the funeral was ongoing he just stared at John's coffin. No tears, not even sobbing. But lucius, John's trusted friend know that behind that face he was sobbing. And cause he just can't see him like that he approached him
Lucius: Mister Todd
Lucius:I am very sorry for your loss, he was a great friend and Mister Stark send his condolences
Jason:Where is Stark?
Lucius:He have a meeting with the military
Jason:... Tell me, How did he died, lucius?
Lucius:He was shot to the stomach and the knee and his throat was stab while being burned to death
Jason:Have they captured the suspect?
Lucius:No, they are still searching. The suspect is like a ghost for them, it's like they just disappear to thin air
Jason then turn back and start walking toward his car
Jason:Lucius, Who will take over John's company?
Lucius:It would be you, Mister Todd
Jason: just the music industry?
Lucius:No, you will take over all of them. No worries mister Todd, I already have every equipment set there.
Jason: When is the ceremony?
LUcius:Next week, sir
Jason:Then tonight, New York will meet the Knight.
Lucius:I will get everything ready, Mister Todd
Timeskip to night time
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There are three people walking out from the movie theater
Man:Do you like the movie, son?
Child:Yes, dad. The movie was awesome, he was like hya and. The other one was like Hwa and and then bang goes the gun
Woman:Peter, come here. You gonna get sick if you stay there
Child:Sorry, mom.
Woman:let's go, honey
Man:Let's go to this really creepy and dangerous alley way
The three of them starts walking until suddenly there's a guy holding a gun standing there
Robber? : Stop there
Man:hey, what's your deal?
Robber? :you better shut up and give me everything you got before I shoot you
Then the mysterious man pointed the gun to the family
Robber? :You know what I'm just gonna take all the precious things you have from your dead body
Then the robber fired the gun towards the family
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(whoops, wrong one)
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The family close their eyes, waiting for their death
(gotcha, robber has been caught, you wanted to give the robber a nickname?... I think that's Pokémon dude. Eh really? Well let's get back to the story)
But the pain never came, and suddenly the robber start screaming The family then start opening their eyes, and what they see is the robber's hand is been broken and behind him was something that they will never forget
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(hey, guys I'm sorry if this sucks but I'm trying. Im new to this so please be patient with me. And please comment which one should I change.