Chapter 13 - Marriage?

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"Hmm I see, you blocked all my moves without even turning around, amazing!" Thoma said thinking of his next strategy. You looked between the 2 young men's as they played a game of chess. You already knew that Ayato would win since he was very skilled and had very good strategies, after all he was the leader of the Shuumatsuban's.

"Thoma, Ayaka! We're back~!" Paimon said coming into the room with Aether. Your eyes lit up upon seeing them again and you got up and waved at Aether and Paimon.

"Hello guys! It's been a while, if you search for milady I fear that she's not here at the moment, but you can come back later-" Thoma said

"Thoma, is that the traveler?" Ayato asked since he was turned with his back.

"Yes, my lord." Thoma replied and you saw Ayato get up.

"Greetings traveler. Ayaka speaks of you constantly. Finally, today is the day. I am the head of the Kamisato Clan, and Yashiro Commissioner - Kamisato Ayato." Ayato said turning to greet the traveler and Paimon.

"What a fancy way to introduce yourself isn't it?" you said in a teasing manner and Ayato chuckled.

"Rules and rules after all my darling." he said and Aether looked at both of you smiling while Paimon looked a little embarrassed.

"Ayaka is out right now, but if you wish to talk anything that involves the Kamisato clan I can discuss it with you." Ayato continued and Paimon giggled awkwardly.

"Oh... Uh..hi! Your flattering words.. Flatter us. Um please excuse the sudden... - Ness of our visit, for it is most improper etiquette..." paimon said flustered and Aether gave her a smug face while you and Ayato looked at each other containing your giggles. But thoma on the other hand couldn't maintain his laughter.

" Hahaha.... Why on earth are you talking like that? "he asked and Paimon looked confused.

" It's alright Paimon, no need for such a courtesy around us, after all behind the screen's we're normal people like everyone else. "you said holding your fan down with both of your hands while smiling.

" Oh! Uh, well, Paimon's relieved, all this fancy talk is so complicated, it reminds Paimon of when Eula tried to teach us aristocracy. "she said and Thoma giggled.

" You mean Eula Lawrence? Oh man their kind of etiquette is the opposite of the one you see here in Inazuma. "Thoma said and you smiled.

" Oh right, Ayato, do you perhaps know if Chisato and Kujou Kamaji are getting married? "Paimon asked and you looked dumbfounded.

" My sister is getting married?? "you asked and Paimon looked at you shocked.

" oh right your Chisato's yonder sister Paimon almost forgot... Oh that's right, you have to know if she's getting married right y/n ? "Paimon asked and you shook your head.

" I have no idea, even too Chisato is my sister we're not talking very often, after our father got locked in prison she has to manage the Kanjou commission while I have to help Ayato with the Kamisato clan and the yashiro commission. We had no time to discuss about that. "you and said Ayato put a hand on your shoulder.

" She is indeed getting married, I just received an invitation for the wedding but I didn't have time to show it to you my love. "he said showing you the invitation.

" Oh... But, isn't this all of a sudden? And what will happen to the Kanjou Commission if Chisato gets married to a Kujou. "you said thinking and Ayato smiled.

" As the head of one of the tri-commission, it's our duty to go and congratulate the couple, darling, would you join me too or? "he asked and you nodded.

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