-Authors Note-

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Hello lovely people!!Welcome to my new story! i dont really know what this story will turn out, but we'll see!! A huge creds to one of my followers on tiktok for allowing me to make a story by using their idea! <333
—A Little Bit Information—

Name:Y/N Y/L/N
Friends:Minerva,Pomona,Lily and Severus
Favorite color:Roseman Black
Likes:Dark chocolate,reading books,quiet place,sleeping,Severus Snape ;)
Dislikes:Loud place,when everything is a mess
What Y/N teach:D.A.D.A (Defense Against the Dark Arts)

-Severus is only 25 so hes a bit younger
-Severus is a bit mean
-Severus isn't a death eater
-Voldemort is after Severus for a reason
-Lupin and Gilderoy doesn't teach D.A.D.A yet
-Harry still isn't at Hogwarts
-And other stuff

also give me advice it'll help me alot! English isn't my first language so bare with my sentence and grammar:)

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