Chapter 8 -Goodbye.-

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im very very sorry for the wait, we didn't have wifi for a long time i dont know why lol, but heres chapter 8 the last chapter, or not we'll see!
"well, well, well Severus Snape accepted his faith." says Voldemort "its just you and me, finish this already." Snape said, "i can feel you're scared Severus..but that feeling wont last long." Voldemort said.

You're behind the tree watching them trying not to make a sound and you felt someone touched your shoulder lightly, as you turned around you saw your 7th year student Blackwood "Blackwood what the hell are you doing here!?" you said in a whisper tone "Professor, i know im not supposed to be here, but i just wanna make sure you are alright" he said with a whisper tone "Get back to Hogwarts now!" still speaking in whisper, he shook his head and said "i insist going back there without knowing if you're okay or not" you started to get angry at him but you calmed yourself "alright, but if you made a sound we're dead." he gave you a curt nod and both of you watch Severus and Voldemort.

"Bold of you to assume im scared." Severus said with a cold tone yet mixed with fear "but am i wrong though?" Voldemort said and he laughed maniacally giving you and the student shivers, you had enough of him, you wanted to show yourself but you have to wait, so you stopped yourself "stop laughing. there's nothing to be laughing at." Severus said getting pissed at Voldemort, he stopped laughing and said "get ready to see Lily Potter Severus" before he could cast the spell you revealed yourself to them "no." Severus' heart dropped to his stomach and turned pale as he heard your voice "Professor L/N! what the hell are you doing!" Blackwood said with a whisper.

You ignored Blackwood and Severus slowly turned around to see you "Y/N-" before he could finish Voldemort cuts him off "we have another guest!" he said and looked at you "and it looks like Y/Ns joining you Severus.." he added looking back at him "" Severus said, you ignored him and looked at him and looked at Voldemort "let him go. take my life instead." you said walking past Severus, and so that you're infront of Voldemort 5 feet away from him (christ dont know how far is 5 feet away im dumb😭 but pretend you're close to him) and Severus is behind you.

"And why should i do that. L/N." He said "If you think it’s natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand or dont understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives." you said calmly, Voldemort kind of acknowledge what you said "you're a smart woman L/N i gotta admit that." said Voldemort, and you're a bit surprised he said that "but im still not satisfied with your reasons. i came here for Severus, not you." he added.

You finally had enough.

"Just kill me already! and let Severus live! he has no reason to die!" you burst out of tears still keeping a cold look, "kill me already for christ sake!" you added and throwing your wand to your side not even bothering to fight him, Severus and Blackwood just stood there not knowing what to do, "tsk, desperate to get killed." and so that, he pointed his wand at you and casted sectumsempra, you fell down immediately while Severus and Blackwood just stood there frozen traumatized of what just happened.

"Nagini, kill.." and so, the snake crawled towards your helpless body and bit your neck, "and for you.." he looked at Snape and pointed his wand at him, Severus looked at him in fear knowing he would ended up like you but before he could cast the spell Blackwood revealed himself and said "Expelliarmus!" immediately making Voldemort drop his wand, Severus looked at Blackwood runs towards your body "pr-professor please.." he said crying, Severus took his wand out incase Voldemort tries to cast a spell and ran to your body holding you tight his arm behind your neck and his other arm on your stomach.

"why did you follow me here.." he said tears dropping "why do you have to be so stubborn!" still crying and you smiled at him tears in your eyes, you held his side face and wiped his tears with your thumb, "Sev..rus.." and thats your last word. Blackwood noticed Voldemort got his wand back "professor Snape.." he said pointing his wand at him, Snape puts you down and stands up immediately "i never thought a child would disarm me-" before he could finish Snape casted the Avada Kedavra spell at him out of anger 'ending' his life, his body turned into ashes, Blackwood was shocked that he used the unforgivable spell but he understood him why he did that.

Severus dropped to his knees not caring that he just used the unforgivable spell, he holds you again and whispered "i love you.." he carried you and both him and Blackwood goes back to Hogwarts just for them to see that the adults and the students were waiting for them to get back.

But the others didn't saw you walk beside them, instead, they saw Severus carrying your lifeless body.
You guessed it imma end this chapter here lol, i dont even know what happened, i just wrote what pops up on my mind 😭 and i dont even know if i use the right spells since its been so long since i watched Harry Potter 🤧 so feel free to correct me <3 and yes i changed the description 3 times BAHAHHHAHA bye friends!

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