Birthday surprise 43.

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A bakugou birthday special
You guessed it gender fluid Bakugou and blasian bc we love him
And omegaverse just for the fun of it

Bakugou's pov

Today is my birthday and my boyfriend, izuku the funny thing is, I really don't know how I ended up with someone like him,

he's top of the school, gets great grades, plays pretty much all the sports and does a great job at them and I'm just a basic college student .

Not to mention the fact that I'm a male omega the species that just about no one has any interest except for current society people use male omegas in breeding facilities and just use them to repopulate or have sex with for fun, they call us useless because of the fact that we're male and can procreate ,they speak to use as though it's our fault we were born the way we were born.

Anyways,Mina said she was coming back over to help me get ready for the place he's taking me to which fyi I don't even know where I'm going to , and when I asked him he today me it was a surprise but, then he told he to dress like prom queen he was obviously joking but Mina wasn't.

She told me he gave her this for me to wear tonight after handing me a box I went into the separate room to change , I laced the box down and I opened it only to be met with immediate shock

Inside of the box was the dress that I have been wanting for two years I was beyond excited. The dress had to thin sleeves and was a beautiful,silky forest green color it reminded me of Izuku's eyes in a way it was absolutely gorgeous.

Picture of the dress in all it beauty

Picture of the dress in all it beauty

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The dress has also matched my nails

After I finished getting ready Mina did my makeup for me

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After I finished getting ready Mina did my makeup for me

His makeup looking bomb as per ushe

After Mina finished she blindfolded me, carefully not to mess up my makeup, then she brought me to her car and took me to the place she told me deku wanted me to go to

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After Mina finished she blindfolded me, carefully not to mess up my makeup, then she brought me to her car and took me to the place she told me deku wanted me to go to.

I feel the blind fold be removed off of my face only to quickly be replaced by a pair of rough and calloused hands that I quickly recognized as my lovers and my theory was confirmed by me hearing his deep voice saying "guess who?"

After hearing him say that I turn around and hug him then he picks me up upon seeing him do this action I lift me legs up,wrap them around him resting just above us pelvic bone "hey buba" I said to him while smiling

He smiled back at me saying " hey baby follow me!" he told me way to exited in my opinion but I still followed him either way.

We walked down a path kit with fairy lights and then we saw a beautifully decorated party with a gigantic banner that read 'Happy birthday Katsuki' on if in big bright letters just as I fit close enough to see everything in all its glory I heard a loud " SURPRISE" and turned around to see all my friends and family or at least the ones I associate with currently. I had so much fun that night we had cake opened presents danced and ate food it was over all an amazing night.After the everyone left from the party deku gave a special present back in the dorm room that may or may not have left me not being able to walk for the next few days

630 words srry for not uploading I wish I could give a good excuse but I really am just really lazy anyways y'all have an absolutely wonderful amazing day

bye loves

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