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ꨄ𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢💵𝚒𝚜😎𝚝𝚑𝚎👸𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗✌️𝚠𝚎😒𝚎𝚡𝚒𝚜𝚝 💕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢👍𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚜😩 𝚒𝚝😳𝚒𝚝'𝚜❤️𝚊 😉𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚝💋𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜😘𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜ꨄ

☻︎𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕝𝕝😆take👮‍♀️us 😣alive 🔏we 😔swore 😿that 😈death 🦷would 🫁do 🧞‍♀️us 🦛part 🦊the 🩴collar 🦍crimes 🐸at 👙work 🧶of art🧞‍♂️☻︎

㋛If 🐽only I 💜could ✂️make🦆 🎽a 🪃deal 🛼with ⛸God 🍽then 🥨I'd 🐗get 🥋them 🧇to 🥞swap 🍠are 🍏places 🐺I'll 🍇be 🍊running 🍄Up 🪱that 🍶road 🐝running 💧up 🍐that 🌷hill ☁️running 🐚up ☔️that 🍀building🐋㋛

☺︎︎🐃running 🎄away is easy🌴 it was 🖤the 🐎leaving 🛝that's 🥌hard🐖

ت🍺pussy 🍾tight 🍎pussy 💔تclean 🪶pussy 🌮fresh 🍂pussy 🦨pretty 🍒pussy 🥑fat 🐈full 🦔of flesh🎋꧂

☹︎🧹legs 🧻and 🩸hips ⚗️and 🪬body 💖body💔☹︎

♫i've😃 🔭been 🚽here 🔮60 🧱years 🪚and 💽I'm 🌃still 🏨not 🏕bored 🎢there's 🚥absolutely 🚟nothing 🧩that 🪗I 🏞can't 🎹afford 🥇and 🏹I 🏏found 🏓that 🏈almost 🥣everything 🥢is 🗾made 🧉of 🍷cardboard 🌰and 🥛there's 🫖absolutely 🧋nothing 🎂I 🍿can't 🥧sing 🍬with 🧁weird 🥹chords 🔥and 🍡I 🫘can 🍩run 🍵faster 🍫with 💥no 🦴wind 🌯resistance🌟♫

❀Ha 😊ha 🔐ha🥰 😍ha 😊now 🤥come 🥶on 🫠what🛞 did 🚟you 🚙want 🦽me 💝to ⛎do he 🔯was 🇦🇬grossing 🫣me 🇧🇧out ☄️and 🌏I'm just🥞 🥪a 🥗cute 🍠little 🇦🇸thing 🥡so 🍼don't cross🛝 mean🏑 ⚽️she's cracked⚓️ 🦼like ❤️‍🩹a🗺 nut 🪝so they🔱 💟call her ❇️💠macadamia🔆 whenever 🔤she gets 🚺mad 🔝📵you experience🔻 Painia 💖am 🖍I 🛐a cutie 🔕absolutely☦️❀

᪥💢miss 🕡her 🀄️kiss 💋 her 🟪lover 🕓that means♦️ you're 🔶dead 🅰️that ▶️girl 👧 is ⚜️poison ☠️ ᪥

❄︎you're 📌suicidal 🗂you're 💖suicidal❣️ you're 🖤suicidal🚷 why❄︎

𖧷I 🗄get ⚔️so 🧪weak🌡 in 📅the 🚽knees 🛍I can 📜hardly 📪speak⛓𖧷

❁I'll🌓 🧰come 🧉to 🧲Vegas baby🤭 I 🅰️want🧱 to 🫣come ☠️and🥂 🤔play 💮me 🥂give🌙 me the money🫥 and🫦 🦷give 👽me 🫘diamonds give 🍼me ⚾️the 🥃Rubys 😧babies🦿 take 🏸me 🌨on 🎪best 🎸trip 🤮I 🤡want to 🫁go 💾shopping 🏆get 😾on your💩 🎡knees 🫂and 🩰🎢let 🏘me 🌥please don't 😈let 🚔you 🏚leave 🏝me 🩴I 🚄want 🦼to 🌪ride 👜a 🥪bunny 👁I 🎲wanna 👥ride 🎧a 🌈bunny ⚡️I 👅wanna 🚊ride 🎺a 🤑bunny😈 🛵I 😷wanna 🤠ride 🍲it👀❁

᯽fuzzy ❤️‍🩹duck📲 ducky🤎 fuzz🇸🇪 does📡 he 🧇fuck💿 fuck 〽️he 🆘does 📻and what🛂 ❕makes 💜it 🍱even 🚼better 🚻is 🇸🇭that this 🇱🇨could 🇸🇷be love ❤️᯽

ꕥCould🔸 🧌he 🥩try🏧 me then 🧟‍♂️most 🗣likely 🌹trying 🧠to 🦾see 👣if ▫️you ☄️can 🟡handle 🈯️this 🐞ass 🌒probably🕝 get 🇮🇴this ♾️as 🪱a 🦭panic 🐲attack 🦋sorry 🦐if 🦨I 🦡gave 🇮🇨her 🔈a 🐁random ↘️erection ☘️probably 🧟think and🪴 I'm 🕥a 🐸telekinetic 🐟oh wait⬆️ 🧳you 🧟‍♀️were 🌎friend🦈 of 🧢the 🔤magic poof 🇨🇻pussy 🔤like 🧞a 🕖Ally ⏭Kazam 🧞‍♀️I ☄️heard ⬆️from 🧤a 🏁friend 🕣of 🥿a 👖friend 🇧🇷that 🏳️‍⚧️that 🪡day 🔉was 🧞‍♂️a 🕕10 🔟of 10⏭ꕥ

𑁍🍻he's 💐coming 🌧off 🥤way 🍕too 🍬pushy ☁️I 🦴hope 🐚you 🕊don't🌤 think 🌪he 🥘was 🫕getting ❄️this 🍟pussy 🫓on 🥙he 🍈like 💫his 🌈bitches 🍄psychotic 🍁sit 🍓on 🍌his 🍉face 🪐and explain🪸 🌫why 🌊am 🫧toxic 🐊𑁍

☾🇦🇺It's 🗯all ♠️messed ♦️up 🇧🇦I 🇦🇼don't 🇧🇮care 🍴cause 🏳️‍🌈what fun🍰 🇧🇸is 🕓there ♥️an 🔇ever 🕑making 💭sense 🫖did 🇧🇿I 📣get lost🫘 along 🎰the 🎷way 🎬lose 🎼my 🎲life 🐉trying 🐾to 🥜find a new 🥜identity🩰☾

☁︎︎My name 🥾star Keisha🪷 and🩱 I'm 🇸🇧the 🩲best⭐️ you know I'm🇬🇩 petty 🍒I 🌟like to start🇧🇱 🦭some 🐍mess 🐬heard 🐠you don't 🇬🇱like 🐘me 👗but 🇫🇰you 🦑don't 👔want to 🥻get 🐙down 🇬🇷You 🇹🇿don't 🐺wanna 🦄post 🪰up 🦩when 🇺🇬Kiki 🐧come 🪡around 🇫🇲break 👟it 🇺🇦down 🇪🇸now 👙PE 🧤to 🐔the 🐧TTYPE 🇪🇺to 🦅the 🇹🇿TTYM 🐣Petty 🪵yeah 🌸yeah 🇳🇨I'm 🦋petty 🪲all 🇺🇬the 🐌time☁︎︎

☽but 🪷why oh I 💨wish I 🍆could 🍒synthesize 🌶the 💦picture perfect🌸 guy 🥨oh 🪐why 🌦oh I 🌗6 feet 🥐tall 🥒and super 🥕strong 🥬we 🏓always🥏 get 🎿along 🌫oh 🎽why 🌊oh 🛼why⚡️☽

☼😴blacked 🏹out 😥days😳 I 👖don't 😑recognize ⛳️you 👣anymore🪃☼

☀︎︎but 🚘no 🥃reasons 🏓they want to see us 🎧end 🏓up like we 🧋were🫣 regina 🥌on 🥊mean 🏹girls 🎹princess 🩰that 🛬came 🎧tom 🎺boy 😧King 🪰you 🦂further😑 that🍼 you've 😹never 🫂seen 👟mother 🦗Earthmother 👀ferry👾 rice🤤 to 💫the🦏 top 🐒define🫥 feminine 🌨I'm 🥕feminine 🧵woman 👺let 💀me 🫘be 🧢your🩱 woman🎃woman ⛑woman 😤woman☀︎︎

☘︎︎what💺 do 🚞you 🟦want 🕓boy 🏗I want ⛺️to hot girl🏔 what 🎢you 🧥need 🗺boy🌈 I 💫need🏖 a 🥃hot 👙girl 🏒hot ❄️girl 🔕hot🏠 girl☘︎︎

シHe 🥅said 😍he 🐞wants 🪱to 🌴get 🥰to 🥥know 🦅me 🧈I 🌞said 🦷boy 🥊just 🌯bend 🐛me 😌over 🧠shake😈 for 🫙your 🦋nigga 🤣drop for 🧞‍♂️your nigga🧌 youシ

♥︎Goddamn 🎇I hurt🥁 my knuckles 🪄maybe📸 go 🪁to work 🎟through 🎀it 🖱back 🩼and 🚅then 🎼I 🛒had 🚝to 🚿work🔌 off 💒that 🛕changing🦽 up 🔮at 💎six I'm 🛼trying🛵 to fuck🎨 with 🎁her 🛍and✈️ her♥︎

❦oh ☮️Steven🛋 there's ❤️‍🔥one of my 🛍thing ♻️I ❕had 🚪to ❤️‍🩹mention🧸 I 👁‍🗨love💹 you 🟥bye🔵❦

ఌTouch🌭 me ☑️i 🍕scream 🍨 Ahhh 😱 ఌ

❌sorry 📯but 🇺🇸I 🇸🇾am 🔗number📁 one ☝️

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