·˚ 𝙞𝙞. ༘༄ ꒰𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘎𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘵꒱ؘ*ੈ✩

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You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the notification on your phone go off.

Your niece, Kate was not too far away from you, checking out the artefacts and life-like models that were a part of the ancient history of Egypt.

Quickly, You dismissed all the messages you had got from your co-workers working in S.H.I.E.L.D when you heard Kate walk towards you.

"Hey, any chance that one of these things in these museums is secretly Vibranium or something?" Kate asked you when she reached you, "Like the ones back in the States,"

You grinned at her question, "Not that I know of," you both began to walk side by side, "You wanted to talk here?" you pocketed your phone, turning your full attention to her.

"Yes, I wanted to apologize," Kate started, grimacing in guilt, "I got to know that Kingpin's men came after you too,"

"It's nothing, sweetheart," you assured her, pushing the memory of becoming Heka's avatar to the back of your head.

"No, it's not!" she insisted, "I mean, I didn't know they'd target you," she shrugged, "You and Mom weren't that close,"

"Well, she did hold a grudge against me just because I'm working with the big fish," you nodded your head to the side in thought.

"'Big fish'?" Kate repeated your words with a grin, "Is that what you call," she looked around before she lowered her voice, "Nick Fury?" she whispered.

"Only to mock him," you answered.

"My opinion: I love your job," Kate stated truthfully, "The whole secret agent, badass, job. And I love you," she pulled you into a side hug.

"Aw," you mock-pouted, "So, what's it like living with Clint?"

You and Kate caught up on things as you spent the afternoon together; you were careful to avoid the topic of Heka.

"Alright," you both came to a shop at the gift shop, "You go buy whatever you want. How much ever candy as you please. Your mom's not here to stop you,"

Kate gave you a look, "I'm not ten anymore, Aunt Y/N,"

"Okay, then we'll head back home, and I'll drop you off at the airport," you offered.

"Wait, no, no," she caught your arm to stop you from leaving the gift shop with a child-like pout, "I never said I didn't want candy. I would like some candy,"

You chuckled at her expression, "Go,"

Kate beamed at you, before she grabbed a cart, spinning it above her head with a whistle as she headed over to the required aisle.

"Hello," a cheery voice, thick with British accent greeted you.

You turned towards the voice and was met with a man with disheveled raven locks. His eyes were calm yet troubled at the same time. All the while, he was familiar to you.

"Hi, I think I've seen you around. You are—" you trailed, trying to recall his name.

"Steven Grant," Heka reminded you in exasperation.

"You and your avatar," Khonshu shook his head, "How hard is it to remember a name?"

"Steven Grant," you nodded brightly,

"Yes, thank you!" he sighed out, "Apparently, it's too hard for people around here to remember that. 'Steven with a V'," he tapped the name tag that was pinned to his chest, "Not Scotty, or Stevie," he mumbled.

You cracked a smile at his words, "We're neighbours, if I'm not wrong,"

From Steven's unbothered expression, you concluded that he wasn't able to hear the two gods interact like you.

"Right next to your door," Steven jabbed a thumb to his side to indicate.

"I thought he was Marc Spector," Heka thought out loud, "Khonshu, what are you not telling me?"

"I told you everything you needed to know. But your attention span is even worse than Y/N's. No wonder you chose her,"

"Oh please," Heka scoffed, "At least my avatar doesn't have an ankle restraint,"

"You are Y/N Bishop, right?" he questioned.

"That I am," you replied, "Just moved in last week,"

You both began to walk together, heading towards the billing counter as Steven led the way forward.

"Do you work here?" you asked, eyes darting down to his name tag for a moment.

"Right-O," he affirmed, "And you?"

"At the, uh, library," you made up quickly, recalling how often you had been spending time at the library and doing your fair share of research and study about Egyptian deities.

"Is that your daughter?" Steven pointed to Kate in the distance, who was dumping her cart with candies.

"Oh, no, no," you shook your head vigorously, smiling to yourself, "That's my niece. She came over from the States to visit me,"

"Oh," nodding, Steven got behind the counter, while you stood on the other side, "Sorry, I'm asking too many questions," he chuckled nervously, "I'm just a curious nutter,"

"It's alright," you assured him.

"And we'll just have these to go," Kate placed a cart on the billing counter, that was filled with all kinds of confectionaries that were in the gift shop.

You raised your eyebrows at her in incredulity, "Really? Barton's starving you, or something?"

"What? You told me to get as much candy as I please," Kate defended.

You sighed, pulling out your credit card and handing it out to Steven.

Steven chuckled to himself at the interaction, "How about I throw in a keychain for you?" he sneaked a glance at you.

He picked up a keychain from the rack behind and billed it with the candies. It depicted a man holding two entwined serpents. Heka. Huh.

"Do I have to pay for it?" you questioned with a playful narrowing of your eyes.

"Blimey, no!" he denied honestly, "Consider this as my housewarming / 'welcome to the apartment' gift," he offered.

"Alright," You nodded in acceptance, "That's very sweet of you,"

"Oh, don't mention it," he brushed it off.

You took the cover of candies from the counters, "We'll be on our way. Good talk, Steven,"

"Alright, Laters Gaters!" He bid you farewell, waving you goodbye.

Once Kate was sure that you were out of Steven's earshot, she pulled you down to her level to mutter, "He was totally flirting with you!"

"What?! No," you tried to dismiss it.

"Oh please," Kate rolled her eyes, "'How about I throw in a keychain for you?'" she tried to mimic Steven's voice, "Might as well throw you on his bed—"

"Okay! Woah!" you raised your voice in alarm, "We're getting your ass shipped back to the Bartons'. ASAP,"

── 。゚: *. .* :. ───

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