Chapter 6: Drunk Off My Ass Thanks to Fidget

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"I'm the Masked Musician,' she said. Then she walked away, hoping the best for Sammy." I told everyone in the Bounty Bistro.

There was an awkward silence after I finished with my story. I gulped, did they like my version of the story? My story is pretty accurate, or maybe it's too accurate. It's going to be too suspicious, as if I was actually there. Oh crap, they're going to put two and two together. Three years of hard work all for nothing.

Luke broke the silence. "That was..."

I held my breath. There will no longer be a Masked Musician.

"Awesome!" Some drunk person finished.

Everyone whooped and cheered, chanting my name. They gave me pats on the back, saying compliments for my story telling.

Here in the Medieval America, people appreciate a good story-telling. Compared to back then when everyone is too busy having their noses in front of smart phones and such. Sure, we still have that stuff, but the Era of Technology has passed. Technology isn't as appreciated now compared to back then, now we rely on human company than computers.

Then I heard someone cleared his throat that silenced everyone. Sammy sat down to the seat next to him. He was a slim middle-aged guy, older than the last time I saw him. He grown tanner and had a longer beard. He has bags under his eyes, I bet from the endless night to make his life better. But he still had that glint in his eyes, he's still the honest man I met 3 years ago.

"That was a better story than I could have ever told," he said with a drunk grin.

I laughed, "Thank you."

"Now for your 5 grand..."

I snorted. "Nah, I don't need."

"I'm a man of my word, are you a woman of yours?"

I chuckled at that. "Yes, yes I am-"

He pulled out his checkbook, but I stopped him.

"But, how about we change the promise. A free drink, how 'bout that?"

He hesitated, but nodded. Luke handed me another Alice in Wonderland, with lightning speed. I chugged it down, and was about to request for another one when Dominic stopped me.

He wore a worried look on his face. "You shouldn't, Melody. I don't want to take you home all drunk."

I sighed, "The faith you have in me, Domino."


"Yeah, you know, Domino, Dominic."

He chuckled at that.

"See, you like the name. Domino, Nick, Nicky, Nickster. Nick, nick nick nick nick nick nick, nick, Nickelodeon," I sang.

"You're drunk, you should stop."

"But I don't wanna," I whined. "How come you get to drink more than me? You're like, like on your 4th glass."

"That's because I can hold my alcohol."

"Excuses," I said rolling my eyes.


I ignored him and said to Luke in a British accent, "I would like your best scotch my good man."

"C'mon right up!"

"Luke! You know better to give her some more." Dominic said.

"I think she can take a few more, she's a bounty hunter. Let her have a drink."

Dominic grumbled something but said nothing.

Luke served me my drink. I gulped it down in a matter of seconds. I felt a little woozy, but I want some more drinks. Luke did say they were on the house, that made put an evil thought in my head. I ordered one drink after the next, having the menu become like a checklist for me.

The Branded Hunters Trilogy: The Masked Musician (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now