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Grosvenor Square, 1813The strings of violins were played beautifully, the need to dance began inside of me, a need I never knew I needed until hearing the rhythmic tune

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Grosvenor Square, 1813
The strings of violins were played beautifully, the need to dance began inside of me, a need I never knew I needed until hearing the rhythmic tune. I followed behind the Bridgerton family, until I was finally in view to the entirety of the ball, all eyes seemed to narrow onto me.

"How do you feel?" Benedict whispered, he hadn't left my side since we arrived, his presence calmed my nerves slightly.

"I'm quite alright Benedict." I smiled, my eyes scanning the room, occasionally recognising a face. "Go and enjoy yourself."

He smiled, before heading off to greet other gentlemen in the room, quite obviously his friends. I watched the dance floor intently, beautiful gowns swaying as men swooned women through the art of dance.

"Do you wish to dance, Lady Beaumont?" I heard a voice speak and I turned, noticing a man I had never met nor heard of before.

"Thank you for the offer." I smiled, bowing. "But I am feeling rather quenched and shall go and get myself some refreshment first, my Lord."

The queen tapped a spoon against her glass, silencing the quartette and gossiping occurring throughout the ballroom. She was so regal, beautiful and yet terrifying all at once.

"The decision I have made may not have been a difficult one for those in this room to decipher, I have officially named my diamond." Her words set fire inside the women in the room, whispered began surrounding me and I watched as girls grew giddy and hopeful. "Isla Beaumont, Mayfair's darling."

The shocked gasps and whispers had already told me enough, the people of Mayfair did not believe me to be deserving of this title, even if the Queen herself had stated it so. 

"Thank you, your majesty." I bowed as she approached me, but she simply tilted my head upwards with her gloved finger.

"I'm sure you will make an excellent diamond and that the man that you decide to marry will be a good one, Lady Beaumont."

These requests began to occur often after the announcement, I had at least five before finally managing to reach the table in which champagne was being served. I took a deep breath, before a sip of the cooling liquid soothed by dry throat. I moved to the balcony in efforts to allow myself some fresh air, the moonlight in the sky illuminating my delicate features. I took deep breaths, I had not wanted to be the diamond, nor had I wanted to return to Mayfair. If it wasn't engraved into peoples minds that I had to marry in order to survive, then I would not. My family had certainly wished for me to marry however.

"Lady Beaumont." The voice was low, so low it almost startled me. "Do you care to-"

Before the man could go any further, I tossed the bubbling liquid in their direction, soaking them in alcohol. I had heard enough dance requests to last a lifetime and therefore one more had just managed to tip me over the edge.

Darling Of Mayfair| Viscount A. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now