Chapter 088

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Chapter 088 After the end of the world rebirth and the scum attack

    After Lin Hanchuan and his party left the small building where they temporarily lived, they immediately laughed hilariously.

    "Sir, why are you talking nonsense with your eyes open?"

    "Yes, yes, you are not a police officer, are we a police officer?" Amidst

    the laughter, the man also said with a smile: "We give him Looking for food, killing zombies for him, he is lying there comfortably and doing nothing, I am his father, I am so used to him."

    "That is, the boss is kind and protects these ordinary people, if others, I've already left these burdens..."

    Lin Hanchuan listened to them, most of these people were prison officers, and there were also a few prisoners, but they were not extremely vicious people.

    Lu Mao was an orphan who was sentenced to 14 months in prison for stealing things. He should have been able to get out soon. There was another person who was an accountant who handled the accounts for the boss for a few years, and came in out of nowhere

    ... Because everyone's nature is not bad, they can live in harmony with the prison/police.

    While talking and laughing, a few figures in ragged clothes appeared in front of them, and they kept making strange noises.

    This is the first time that Lin Hanchuan has seen zombies. He squinted and looked at them carefully, and found that these zombies were just a little blurred, looking disgusting, and nothing else. As long as they can overcome psychological obstacles, they can be defeated.

    Now is the third month of the apocalypse, at the beginning of the apocalypse, when zombies are at their weakest.

    Lin Hanchuan put his fingers together, and a circular lightning appeared in his palm. He spread out his five fingers, and the ball lightning turned into several electric lights, and flew towards the zombies in the blink of an eye.

    In just a few seconds, several zombies blocking the road were already lying on the ground.

    After using the power, Lin Hanchuan felt that the weak lightning energy in his body flowed a little faster.

    "Boss, there are too many zombies to get in." The prison guard who picked up Lu Mao said at the time. His name was Wei Zheng.

    "You go to distract some of the zombies, I and others will go in to find medicine and save people." Lin Hanchuan arranged immediately, "Get a sturdy car and run farther."

    Now the zombies are not fast, and they can still drive a car. left behind.

    Wei Zheng responded, took off the paper clip pinned to the cuff, hunched over and tiptoed to avoid the sight of the zombies, ran to the side of a car on the road, flipped the lock with the straightened paper clip, and after a few clicks, The door of the car opened.

    "Damn, a sliver is more skilled than me at picking locks." Lu Mao had been envious of Wei Zheng's hand for a long time, but unfortunately Wei Zheng was worried that he would abuse it to steal things, so he refused to teach him.

    Seeing Wei Zheng honking his horn after getting into the car, making a loud noise, some zombies heard the movement and made a noise, but no zombies left the hospital door.

    "What's the matter? Aren't these zombies chasing when they hear the sound? Why are they motionless at the moment?" Someone said to himself in doubt.

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