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Major Character Deaths :/
Insane Dream
Mentions Of Abuse
Sad but happy ending :)

Soft music played in the background inside of the room.

The entire house was silent and dark except for the one room where Schlatt sat inside of. That room being his painting room.

On the white walls hung different paintings he has done to clear his head, some paintings of nature, some of animals, some that were neglected, then there were the paintings he kept hidden away from the world refusing to let his closest loved ones to see.

Even though it's been three years it still hurts Schlatt both inside and out, and the only way he can express his feelings about the whole situation is through painting. Even his therapist told him it was good, so that is what he did. He painted them.

In the background he listened to the heavy ran hit against the window of the room with thunder roaring over it, he honestly found it very peaceful. It was always nice to hear thunder once in a while, while it rained.

So lost in his thoughts and his eyes glued to the paintbrush stroking against the large canvas he didn't even hear or realise the small child walking inside of the room, that small child being his six year old son Toby.

Toby always liked to see his dad paint, he always thought that it was amazing that his dad could have such a talent that he one day hoped to have. Slowly and silently Toby makes his way to his dad. As Schlatt stroked the canvas he felt a small tug from the back of his sweatshirt, he stops and turns his head to look down at the small boy. Once he made eye contact with him he immediately smiles at him " hey kiddo, " setting the paintbrush down " I thought you were sleeping, nightmare again? " Toby shakes his head " oh. Then what's wrong? " He sees his kid glance over at the window then back up at him which made the father hum " thunder...scary isn't? " A nod came from the boy which made him smile again.

After the whole incident it not only traumatised Schlatt but it took a big piece from Toby. Toby talks but there is days where he tends to stay very silent, school is one of them and the kids in his class rarely hear him speak. At home Toby talks a good amount only when he has a hard time hinting at whatever he needs or is very curious about something.

But Schlatt knows that eventually he'll grow out of that habit, it just takes time.

" It's late, you know you need to go to bed. " The small boy puts his head down and lightly kicks his feet " ...do you want me to lay down with you kid? " Seeing his kid glance up which made the father chuckle " thunder is good you know? It's really calm. " Saying that he sees Toby tilt his head confusingly " you'll understand one day. " Schlatt stands up and grabs all the dirty brushes and sets them in a jar of water.

Turning around he sees Toby looking at the painting he was working on, Schlatt stood there silently staring at him, seeing his blue and brown eyes examining the painting.

As soon as Toby turns back to look at his dad Schlatt sighs, rubbing the back of his neck before sadly smiling at him " come on, " walking to the young boy and picking him up " let's go to bed yeah? I'm tired. " He felt Toby lay his head down against his shoulder, leaning over to turn the light off and walking out of his art room going straight to his room with his kid.

Leaving behind the canvas he was painting.

" God dammit... "

It was early in the morning and there stood Schlatt in his backyard staring at the damage done to house. Last night in the middle of their sleep he heard a loud crash, thinking it was a robber he grabs his gun and looks around the house, only to find that a tree broke through the window, a bit one too.

The Mist {Schlattbur}Where stories live. Discover now