Chapter 1

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The Texas heat killed me in the car. We had the air conditioning on but it seemed to do nothing against the fire that burned on my skin.

"Did we have to move somewhere so hot?" I asked my father who was driving to our new home.

"Yes," he glanced over at me, "come on I use to live here you know. It's not that bad when you get use to it."

I sighed knowing I couldn't argue with him without having some sort of lecture. "I know but why would a slaughter house ask for you to come back? Weren't you fired years ago?"

I only heard stories about when my father lived in Texas. I still didn't know a lot about it besides he worked at a slaughter house and was fired over something stupid. Now the slaughter house wants him back because of a 'lack of people'. My father hasn't had the best luck with jobs and this supervisor position will be the best thing he can get.

"This is the only job that I can get and they said they can hire you as well." He watched the road ahead.

"No thanks, I don't need a job at a slaughter house." I still felt slightly disgusted by the idea of working there.

"Come on Y/N, we need money and since your mom left it's been all up to me. Help out just this once." I could tell he was guilt tripping me but he was right. We haven't been the same since mom left.

"Maybe but I refuse to work with any meat." I drew the line.

The car stopped in front of a house in the middle of nowhere. "Here it is..." my father trailed off as he opened the door and grabbed his suitcase from the back of the car.

I sat looking at the house before making myself move to grab my things as well. I followed my father up the steps to our new home.

It wasn't a bad place, I could tell it was old but it might be better living here then in the loud city. Sure the city wasn't bad but it sure was loud.

I spent quite sometime unpacking everything into my new room. Looking through all the stuff I brought was both boring and exciting. I just wished we didn't have to move here where I don't know anyone and might be forced to work at some slaughter dump.

"Make sure to get rested up for tomorrow," my dad called out. That's when I realized the sun had set. "We need to wake up early to get to the slaughter house."

Sleep proved to be a difficult task but after some time I managed to dream the night away.


Birds birds birds.

Thats all I heard as the chirps filled my ears. I groaned as I pushed myself out of the bed and down to the kitchen. My entire body worked on auto pilot for I was not yet awake. That was until my fathers voice woke me up with unfortunate news.

"Good news! I called Jess today and he said you can get a job cleaning up after everyone leaves." My father sounded cheerful as he said it but the words made my heart sink.

"Cleaning? You're kidding right? I don't want to clean blood every night." I was now fully awake and hoping it was all just a joke.

"You need to do something to help your family." He snapped at me, "we only have one car so you will have to come with me everyday until we can afford to get you your own."

"And do what? Sit there watching those people chop meat?"

"If you have to." My father had a darker tone, telling me to leave it alone for now.


We ate breakfast in silence before leaving in our only car to the place I dreaded. It didn't take long for the large, dark factory was in our view. 'BLAIR MEAT CO.' Was in large letters over the building. The whole place just radiated bad vibes.

The car was parked and I followed my father through the doors. We weaved through all the people and I gagged when the smell of blood and death hit me in the face.

We walked up a small stair case and went past rows of tables that people were chopping meat on. "Tim Y/N! You're finally here." A man called out to my dad.

"Jess." My dad approached the man as he lead us into an office. The office had windows so I could unfortunately see the people working.

"This is my daughter, Y/N." My father basically pushed me towards the man.

"Ah Y/N, I've been excited to meet you. I'm Jess, I'll be in and out but I mostly work outside." He held his hand out in which I took.

"Nice to meet you." I put in my best bullshit smile.

"Well I'll let you get to work, Y/N if you want you can go around and meet some of the people who work here. They don't mind talkin while they work." He stated.

I only nodded, not really wanting to know any of the people.

"But do be aware of Thomas over there," he pointed out the window to a large man in a mask. Shivers went up my spine just looking at him. "Hes a freak and he can't speak so just stay away from him."

"Jesus christ Jess you still keepin that animal around?" My fathers words seemed harsh. I connected the dots and assumed Thomas must have worked here when my father did a while ago.

"We cant get rid of him for nothin." Jess seemed disappointed. "Well I'll be on my way now." He said before leaving the room and disappearing into the building.

My father went right to work, looking at papers and doing whatever at his small desk in the office while I felt stuck. Stuck looking at the huge man I was warned to stay away from.



Hello hi how's it going
So I had the idea to write this story and I just kinda did it out of nowhere so I hope you like it
Also I'll be posting this story a lot more than my other stuff because I plan on finishing it or getting close to finishing it before I post it if that makes sense.
I just don't want to feel the pressure of having to finish a book fast like I usually do
But anyway I hope you have a good day :)

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