Chapter 13

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Pervious to those events.
Thomas POV

I slept through the night peacefully. This was the first night I spent with
Y/N and I hope it's not the last. I could tell she had trouble sleeping but I just let her relax in her own pace. I was worried I would scare her if I 'pushed' her to sleep.

I fell asleep before she did so I was unsure how much sleep she actually got. The next morning she seemed to be fast asleep beside me.

I wanted to wake her up for the day but she probably needs her rest. I'll let mama take care of her.

"Thomas get yer ass down here." Uncle Charlie yelled from downstairs. I still can't get use to him pretending to be Hoyt.

I quickly removed myself from the bed, looking down at Y/N as she slept. She looked so peaceful. Like all the stress in the world was washed away.

"Hury up Tommy." He demanded once again. I lowered my mask before leaning over to give her a kiss on the forehead. Her skin felt so soft against my rough and messed up lips.

"For fucks sake Thomas!" I quickly pulled my mask back up and raced down the stairs.

"Took you long enough." Charlie stood with his arms crossed, "if we were in trouble you would have gotten us killed. Do you want your mama to get killed?"

I shook my head fast. I don't want my mama to get killed.

"Stop teasin him Charlie." Mama made him stop.

"It's hoyt now mama I done told you before." He seemed to get angry before turning back to me, "one of those damn boys ran out on us last night. He can't go far, I've already drove around. Go find em Tommy."

I left the house on his orders. If this man was out could he hurt Y/N? I need to protect her and my family from this man.

Wondering around the house didn't help that much. Everything just looked normal. Or so I thought. Right by the old barn was drops of blood. He must have ran out here to hide.

The barn door creaked as I opened it slowly. I had a sense for blood and I could tell someone was still in here. My feet slowly carried me around the dark place as I looked for the man.

Out of nowhere a harsh slash went across my arm. I look down to see the man I had been looking for holding fencing pliers. He had used the end of them to stab into my arm. A soft grown left my mouth. I've been hurt many times and have been learning to work through the pain but that doesn't mean I don't feel.

My free arm grabbed onto his neck and lifted him up just to throw him to the ground. He let go of the pliers and ran for it towards the house. I wanted to chase after him but I was sure uncle Charlie would just shoot him. He was out in the open anyway.

I held onto my wounded arm and went back to the house. I went through the cellar doors right down to the basement. I didn't want to be made fun of for getting hurt, I also didn't want Y/N to be worried.

I started to wrap up the wound with a spare shirt I had stolen from a victim. It could get infected but I'll deal with that later. I just needed to find this guy and end him.

Thats when I heard the basement door open.

"She's over there." Charlie's voice echoed.

Multiple footsteps splashed into the water. I hid myself in the shadows to see who had entered. If it was just my uncle he would have said something but I knew someone unwelcome was down here.

"Casey?" A males voice sounded weak and pathetic as he sobbed.

"No..." I peered around a corner to see a horrific sight. The man who had stabbed me earlier was crying over the girl I had slaughtered before. The bad part of this was seeing Y/N there.

She stood with all her beauty but her face read otherwise. She was scared. So scared she was grabbing that man's arm like he was the one to protect her. That was my job. I'm supposed to protect her, she's my girl not his.

Rage filled me as I watched the man sob. They seemed distracted enough for me to attack.

I threw myself out of the shadows at them just to find out he had a gun. That didn't make much of a difference though. Uncle Charlie came from the side and pushed the gun away along with the man's entire arm, giving me enough time to start up my trusty chainsaw.

Once it was up and running, I pushed it through the disgusting man's chest. He let out pained screams which made me smile under my mask. His life was meaningless and if I could I would have tortured him for touching Y/N like that.

Everything seemed silent as I killed him. Even uncle Charlie's laughter was quite to my ears as I ended this man's life.

Thats when I looked up. Y/N was laying on her back in the water with a more fearful expression then before. I pulled the chainsaw out and tilted my head. She wasn't scared of me could she? She knows I'll never hurt her right? She knows she's my human and I would protect her at any cost.

Her face said differently. She was terrified.

My once evil grin turned into concern. I tilted my head as I watched her get up to her feet and race out of the basement.

"Get back here." Uncle Charlie yelled out to her and chased her up the stairs. I wanted to chase her to but I couldn't. I just fell down to my knees. I didn't mean to scare her.


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