Chapter 13- Plane Flight✈️

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{A/N- basically this is a part two of the last chapter, and i think that i will be able to write more often for the time being cause we have like a 2 week break from school. Anyways enjoy:)}

Nobody's pov-

It is the day after and the time now is 4:30 am in the morning, currently getting ready to go to the airport which is about 1 hour away and their flight is 7:30 so they still had a lot of time.

Lizzie's pov-

I am now currently going downstairs with my stuff for the trip and I'm also on my way to Zen's house to see her and help her with her stuff. As I ring the doorbell she opened it and hugged me excitedly she was so jumpy it was cute to be honest:), after that little jumpy moment I asked her if she needed help bringing her stuff outside to the van that we are gonna use cause i already putted mine in there with the other stuff, after about 5 minutes of moving the last of the stuff out we finally hit the road to the airport.

We are now currently 50 minutes away and I had just notice that zen fell asleep 😴 on my shoulder and hearing her little snores was just so darn cute and also after that she shifted positions so like her head was at my lap and her body was secluding the backseat, and I gotta say that even if she is tall she can still roll like a cute ball:) although her position still seems uncomfortable, and after some time of admiring her features I saw a birthmark on her left hand, and maybe that was why when she was anxious or something She would always trace it something that will calm her down it wasn't big of a size it was actually pretty small.

We are now currently 50 minutes away and I had just  notice that zen fell asleep 😴  on my shoulder and hearing her little snores was just so darn cute and also after that she shifted positions so like her head was at my lap and  her body was secl...

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{ Idk if u can see it but that mark is actually mine and yup I do it in real life whenever I get nervous and also it does help... sometimes? Anyways let's continue shall we:)}

And after some time I also fell asleep while hugging her waist so that she wouldn't fall.

Time skip 5:00

Zen pov-

I just woke up from a nap to see lizzie asleep hugging my waist I tensed a bit but when I realized it was her I just let myself melt at her touch Beacause she is very comfy, and also she looks so cute like what!? How can a person be that cute she's like sleeping beauty but anyways I am just gonna enjoy the ride way to the airport.

But I couldn't just ignore my hunger cause food is life and if you are a Filipino that eating is a must:) but there is a problem lizzie is basically like on top of me and I can't move also I would not like to wake her up cause again she just look so peaceful and cute.

So I carefully try to remove my hand from my side so that i could move better, but as expected I failed earning a sleepy "doof don't move please I'mstill sleeping" by lizzie so I replied "but doof I gotta eat I'm hungry we'll cuddle later k?" Hoping that she will let me and thankfully she did she sitted up, carefully I hold her hips so that she has some balance cause she literally just woke up and went to the side to continue her sleep while I go to the food stock to get some biscuit or "puto" as they would call it in the Philippines
There was actually a lot of options like there was mamon,twinkies,stick-o hansel etc etc. But I just picked mamon and some water to stay hydrated:)

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