Part 9

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The next day

Hobi POV

Yesterday the company announced my wedding with Yn shortly after her sister's wedding. Though I tried my best to convince my mom to change her mind, she didn't change her mind. It's always "it's for your own good." I was in my thoughts when there was a knock on my door. "Hyung aunty is here, come outside, she seems angry," Jungkook said coming in. Just great I thought to myself and went to the living room where everyone was "mom why are you here so suddenly?" I asked, coming towards her "where were you last night?" She ignored my earlier question "after the wedding we came back" I replied in a low voice "did you drop Yn like I asked you?" She asked "" I replied looking down "why? I asked you if you would be able to drop her before sending her driver home as he was not feeling well, didn't I?" She yelled at me "It was just that....we....we were really tired" I replied "but you went to drop Aera there didn't you?" She again yelled, I just kept quite not knowing what to say "because of your foolishness some people attacked her last night, I had a word with Soobin he told me that the doctor said she was lucky to not suffer a permanent eye damage" she said making me look up to her with wide eyes,

 I had completely forgotten about a possibility of something like that happened "sorry mom I forgot" I said, "forgot what, that she is your fiance and has a risk of being attacked or it was completely safe for someone to go to their house alone in three in the morning?" She said a hint of disappointment in her voice "sorry mom" I said again "save your sorry for her, I just need to know the reason why you didn't take her with you, and no stupid excuses" she said folding her arms in front of her "it's because I don't like her" I said finally sitting down in front of her the guys also sat around me "why?" She asked "because she is arrogant and self centered" I said making her shocked, "you don't know her that's why you are saying that-" "no mom trust me I know her very well" I cutted her off, she looked down in disappointment and let out a sigh "she asked me not to tell you this but, I know her since her time in the orphanage where I used to volunteer, she just don't make friends easily so everyone judges her as arrogant and self centered, but trust me once you know her she will be the most caring and down to earth person you would have met" she said "what orphanage, we both literally met her parents yesterday?"

I asked "listen I don't know how she ended up there but all I know that her mom died shortly after giving birth to her, and when she was around 10 she came to the orphanage claiming that she didn't have a family, and she grew up there till the age of 15" she said "I am telling you this so that you understand her, you have just know her for a month, I have raised her over there, she is the perfect match for you trust me" she said. I just nodded to her as there was no going back now, it was released in media and if I call off the wedding now even bigger attacks can happen on any of us. "You all get ready we are going to visit her" Mrs. Jung said to everyone, "and you all better apologize" she added to it, everyone nodded and then went towards their rooms to change. After fifteen minutes everyone came out and sat in the car, "Hobi stop at the pharmacy, Soobin asked me to get some medicines" Mrs. Jung said, after they brought the medicines they drove straight to your apartment. 

They rang the doorbell and Felix opened the door for them "oh hello aunty, how are you?" He said stepping aside to let us all enter. Once in the living room a lot of people were already present there along with Yn, by the looks of it, they were discussing something important. "Yn is having a meeting with her security team about last night's attack, I told her to wait for tomorrow but you know how she is" Felix said we all went inside and sat on the dining table as for now there was no other option. After ten minutes Soobin came inside "the meeting is over you all can come out" he said as he signaled us to move, we all glanced at each other before getting up and moving towards the living room where you were sitting on the couch next to Felix, half of your face was completely bandaged including your eye. "Yn how are you now dear?" Mrs.Jung asked to take a seat next to you "better now, had taken some painkillers before so it doesn't hurt now" you replied, "did you find out who did this?" She asked you "I have already filed a police complaint and my security team is looking into the matter, one of the girls has been identified" you said to which she nodded.

 There was silence for a few minutes until the doorbell rang "must be the food" Felix said as he got up to answer the door, soon he came back with a few packets of food "everyone lets have lunch" Felix said going towards the kitchen, Soobin came and helped you to stand up as last night while running some glass pieces got stuck in your foot. You sat next to Mrs Jung and you all began eating, since half of your face was bandaged, eating became difficult for you, somehow after eating you took your medicines "Hobi go talk to her" Namjoon whispered to Hobi and slightly pushed him towards the couch where you were sitting. He slowly came near and sat next to you, he looked back to see that others went inside, giving you both privacy. "Umm Yn?" he called you, you turned your head towards him "I am sorry about my carelessness, that I showed it wasn't my intention to hurt you" he said, you just nodded your head "am I forgiven?" he asked in a low voice "please, you are dealing with me I won't be forgiving you that easily" you said and continued reading your book. He just sighed knowing that he needed to come up with a better plan to earn your forgiveness.

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