Part 18

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 For the next few days there was no conversation between you and anyone else, you were already disturbed enough by the fact that there is someone out there who will stop at nothing to destroy you. You were only seen when you would come out of your room for food. Saying that you didn't have any connections with the underworld would be a lie, you called as many mafia bosses, gangsters and street fighters you knew and promised them that you will pay all of them heavy amount if they caught Sam for you and this time you were determined to get him a death sentence instead of life imprisonment from court. You also had to keep up with your work demands. Taking a break from it was not an option and it was a good thing. Otherwise overthinking would have given you an anxiety attack till now. You were doing your work when Aera came to call you down for lunch. 

Once you were seated and everyone began eating, everyone was quietly eating when Lisa spoke "Unnie we ran into an issue" in a quiet voice "what did you do this time?" you asked, "I am out of my medications and forgot to pack extras" she said, you thought for a minute, "Soobin and Hoseok you both will go outside after 3 hours, I will ask one of my men to bring the medicine to the coast. Ensure that you don't disclose our location and keep an eye out to see if someone is following you" you instructed both of them.

 After lunch you also went back to your room, working on some designs. A few minutes later Soobin walked in the room and sat on your bed "Noona, can I ask you something?" he asked, you just hummed in response not looking up from your screen. "Are you happy with this marriage?" he asked, his question made you stop doing your work for a second "yes, I am and if this is coming from an argument from yesterday, then let me tell you it was nothing serious" you said resuming your work. "Don't think too much, I will handle all of this" you added, "just because you can handle it doesn't mean you have too, I am here if you need to talk to someone" he said, you nodded to his statement, after he left you thought about his words for a while. 

Your chain of thoughts were broken when someone knocked on the door "come in" you said, Hobi entered the room "need something?" you asked him as soon as he entered "I wanted to talk to you" he said, "is there something left now?" You asked sarcastically "please "he insisted. "Sit" was all you said, he came inside and sat on your bed and you also turned your chair around to face him. "Listen, first off I am really sorry for not letting you explain yourself, I understand that in the two weeks of our marriage I have been nothing more than a pain in butt for you" he said in one go " what are you sorry for? Talking shit behind my back with your friends or treating me the way you did while I tried everything in my power to make this marriage work. I knew you were against this marriage so I gave you your space hoping one day you will make up your mind and finally answer my question so I know what to expect from you" you said, disappointment was clearly heard in your voice. "Don't worry I will divorce you after six months, I made a promise to your mom that I will give this marriage a try for six months then if I feel like we don't belong together I can divorce you" you added. "I-I didn't come here asking for divorce, I had talked with mom and Aera also talked with me, they both really talked some sense into me, as for your question- I want to give this marriage a chance" he said, his eyes were full of hope that you will give him another chance. "What makes you think that? Now that you have realized how messed up things are you came in asking for apologies, what about me do you even care about how I feel?" You said in anger "I know I made mistakes, some of them are unforgivable but you only said that we have to live with each other for six months, how about you give me a chance after which if you want a divorce I will happily give you one" he said "do whatever you want" you mumbled and turned back resuming your work. He also got up and left your room.

When he reached the living room all of the eyes were on him, "so what did she say?" Felix asked "she said, and I quote- do whatever you want" he said and plopped himself on the couch, "well if I were you I would take that as a yes" Soobin said. "What to do now, she is angry with me" he asked the others "how about a small date, that could be a good place to start" Jimin suggested, "where? We can't leave the house" Taehyung asked "Then on the roof is a good place." Hobi suggested "Noona likes to watch sunrises, so you both can have a small sunrise date tomorrow" Soobin said.

 Only if he was aware of the events that would happen in the night.

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