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You're a mob leader, the don, the alpha, the Boss from all other mafia's.
No one ever thought that a woman could lead a mafia certainly not the top, the biggest and most powerful of all. But you proves it to everyone differently, everyone has respect for you and everyone knows they shouldn't mess with you but still people try to make you fall. One wrong word or action from someone and you put a bullet in their head.

Of course you have a lot of enemies too but everything comes with a price.

You're the most feard woman in the mafia World. And you had to take but also lose some things to get this titel.

Your parents died in a deal with a other mafia, got shot in the back of the head from one of your biggest enimies while they made the 'Deal'.

You live in NewYork, although you are originally from Italy. But you made NewYork to your City to be in the Center of all.


But then there is the Holland's mafia. It is the most powerful and biggest mafia but still after you, the second one.

Thier leader is Thomas Stanley Holland he is twenty five years old. He toke over the mafia from his father Dom Holland because he couldn't lead it any more.

You don't think much of Tom in Person. You think he doesn't deserves the Mafia because unless you, who built up your title and everything yourself, he just took it over without doing a thing.

He is arrogant and a real asshole.
His father and yours had a really good relationship and they made deals a few times, which is why you still have to make deals with his son even though you don't want to deal with him.

But Tom got a soft spot no one knows about except for you, he has a daughter. Her name is Aurora she is five years old and a total angle.

Just you know about that because of your family relationship from before. You just saw her one or two times but you could tell that she is very well-behaved.

If other mobster would know about his daughter they would come for him and use her against him even though they are und him. Just you and only you are over him, over all but you would never use a little kid against someone. You may be a feard woman but you are not a Monster.


As you came to your building where you do all the paper work and so on for the mafia along with some deals but not to much, you don't want to make your mafia depending on another who means a lot less than you but if it is a good deal with the matching amount of cash you don't say no.

It knocked on your big double wooden doors as you look over your appointment calendar
"Come in." You said with a strict voice and on that one  of the doors opend. You didn't looked up at first just as the person walked forward to you in your big all-black Office.

"Y/n long time no see." The person said with this stupid smirk on his face as you looked up. You immediately rolled your eyes at him as you saw his body infront of you.

"Thomas, what do you want?" You tilted your head to the side a little bit as you asked him.

"I have a deal for you." He said still with this smirk on his face as you point your hand at the chair in front of your table for him to sit down which he did.

You waited for him to continue with your brows raised as he didn't speak up again but that he got the hint and started again.
"How about we connect our mafia's to one to-" but he couldn't finish the sentence as you already clenched your jaw
"Thomas, what would bring it to me I'm already the biggest and most powerful mafia in the world." You said to him as you saw where this conversation would lead.

"Listen, I'm the second on the list no one would ever try to mess with us." He said but you shook your head at his tone of his voice.

"Remember Holland, I'm the Boss, I'm the alpha, I'm the don. You have no right to speak to me in this voice. You have to respect me." You reminded him on who you are while you start to stand up to make yourself taller than him in the seat.

"You made a quiet long way to come to me just to make a 'deal' with me, you know I would say no to." You added still with your emotionless face which he tried to read but failed.

He chuckled to himself which made you even angrier than before but you kept it to yourself.
"Still fiesty I see. Well I moved here but still have my home in London, so I shoot my shot." He said with his thick british accent to you as he started to stand up and walked to the door and opend it but turned around a little with his head to add something
"I know your secret y/l/n. Maybe you should think about it."

"And I know yours Holland." You shot back with a clenched jaw as the anger started to go up more at the move of him.
And with that he leaved your Office and left you behind.

You knew that he knows your little secret too but you don't think he's that heartless enough to tell other mafias, that would make you vulnerable.

After you drowned a shot of whiskey you drove back in the evening to your mansion.
You opend the door to hear footsteps already running torwards you.

You squat down and open your arms with a smile on your face
"Hey la mia bambina ." You said as you picked her up and sat her on your hip while holding her there.
(my little girl)

"Hello mommy, I missed you." You five-years old daughter smiled and shruggled into the crotch of your neck. Which made you chuckle a bit.

"Let's get you to bed it is way over your bed time." You said as you walked her up to her big room and layed her down on her bed. You pulled the covers up her body and kissed her forhead before wishing her a good night and got out of the room to yours.

You pulled off your heals along with your Black dress pents and blazer. And at last your Red lace corset you had underneath on to slip into your sleep cloths and go to bed immediately.

This is the first part of my new story. I know the first one is a bit short and boring but it is just the biginning - that you know more about the Story. I hope you like it and enjoyed reading and I hope you read it futher or vote or comment this part. I'm going to update every Friday! ;)) <3

This was the first Cover I did for this story but then I made the current one and I think the vibe comes better on the current one, but i wanted to show the first cover because it took me two fucking hours, so here is the first cover I made:

This was the first Cover I did for this story but then I made the current one and I think the vibe comes better on the current one, but i wanted to show the first cover because it took me two fucking hours, so here is the first cover I made:

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italian mafia girl Where stories live. Discover now