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You woke up by someone shaking you, you groand but opend your eyes a little bit to see the silhouette from Tom infront of you, because it is still dark.

"Come on, we know who got Natalia." He said to your still sleepy body which quickly woke up completely as you heard that you had a clue to find your daughter again.
Tom helped you out of the bed and you basicly run down the stairs where your and Tom's men already are standing, waiting for you two.

"Antonio Esposito the leader from the Swiss mafia. He is actually from Italy but has also made switzerland his country, apart of this-" Harrison, Tom's right hand man wanted to inform you about him but you cut him off quickly.

"I know who he is Harrison, he killed my parents..." you were shocked but your voice is full of fury and anger.
You know who Harrison is from the past  so you speak to him by his name.

"What are you all still standing here? Pack all the weapons you can find. But you find out where Antonio is." You said while pointing at one of your man at the last sentence and all got themselfs ready.

After about ten minutes Lorenzo, your best man when it comes to the location of someone to find, came back to you with a note in his hand with the adress on it.
Washington, of course. He got there where you had your first pain you have ever felt...where he killed your parents.

He doesn't want to see you fall in the first place, he want to see you suffer, see you in pain all over and over again. And all because you made yourself righteous to him for the death of your parents.

"Get the jet ready." You sternly said while clenching your jaw as you still stared at the note. Tom nodded immediately as he saw your expression that something is wrong and made a call to make the jet ready while you all and some more of your men drove to the airport.

The jet was ready to start and you got in to fly to Washington. Every mile you got near there, your nervousness continued to increase and so did your self-doubt. You think it's your fault because you took revenge on Antonio and now he kidnapped your daughter. But the worst thing is that your own brother betrayed you without hesitation, you didn't knew that he had a family in italy until he told it. Of course you are sorry that they had his family but now the life of your own blood is in danger, you would trust Antonio anything.

He is a cold, heartless, asshole. He just cares about Power and money nothing more, the only thing he cared about but just a little bit is his wife. Well was, you wanted to kill him, it wasn't your best time and you regret this time but you still wanted to kill him just as he killed your perants.
You never wanted to kill her, she protected Antonio by throwing herself in front of her husband at the exact moment you fired the gun and the bullets meant to hit him hit his wife.

However, you are partly happy that he got his punishment like that because his wife wasn't as innocent as it seemed, she helped Antonio kill your parents so she deserved it. At least that is what you alsways tell yourself when you think about it.


You are on half the way when you suddenly start to get sick by thinking about what he could do with Natalia. You clenched your jaw and looked the ceiling to hold back your tears. It's now about one and a half hour since she was taken and you start to freak out even more. You felt how your breath is starting to get quicker and deeper, you bounce your leg up and down while your hands are starting to sweat.

No one saw your behave, no one exept Tom. He frowned his brows at you until he understood that you are having a panic attack, he knew that you don't want anybody to see you like that.

"Get out of this part of the plane." Tom said to All the guards that are sitting with you in the compartment but Tom had to add something as no one moved
"Now." He said in a srength voice and now every guard walked into the next section of private jet. As the door closed Tom quickly rushed over to you and looked you in the eyes.

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