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But your thoughts of how good it feels got cut as three young men came in yours and Toms sight.

"Hi mate, our things come in the end of the week to your house." On of them said, he got really curly brown hair, and gave Tom a little hig followed from the other two.

"Y/n you maybe still know them, my brothers they are moving in with me, in my house in NewYork." Tom explained to you and now it hits you, Harry, Sam and Paddy.

You always had fun with the three when Tom wasn't there or when you didn't had anything to do. It's been a really long time.

"Oh god you three aged very well, I have to say." You chuckled which they copied you and you gave all of them a hug. Tom wasn't really pleasant by your little comment even though he tried to cover it up, you saw that he tensed a bit.

The last one you hugged was Paddy.

"Woah Pad's you got tall, at least compared to the past, you're a good head taller than me now." You laughed with him, he nodded at what you said.

"Yeah that's true. It's been a few years since someone called me like that." He admitted but you heard at his voice and saw at his smile that he means it in a good way. Which made you very happy.

"Well I hope so, just I can call you like that." You said with a big smile as you were pulled back by your waist from Tom.

It was quiet strange and you felt a little bit of jealousy from him, of course he didn't had anything to worry about. I mean come on as if you would start something with one of his brothers.

But your are curious how much you can use this to your advantage, to your fun.

"Tom we really have to talk know." Sam said this time, he looked for a short moment at you as he said 'you know' obviously not wanting to let you know what this is about.

Tom looked a bit confused at first but then he got it and nodded to a door in one of the corners in this hall. His brothers got the hint and walked in there.

"Okay I have to go for a few minutes. But I'm coming back as fast as possible, okay darling.?" He said while turning to you, you nodded and with that he immediately walked with hurried steps to the room and closed the door behind him.

Leaving you standing in the middle of the big room, filled with all those people of yours and Toms mafia.


"I see you and my son are getting along again?" A voice said behind you which made you turn to it, just to see Dominic.

"We are on a good way, yes." You tried to awnser as short as possible but also be friendly.

Because you know what he thinks of you, he thinks it is your fault that Tom had to go through a rough time because you caught him by 'cheating' . He thinks you aren't good enough for Tom.

But not because you left him, no. It's because you have Power, the Power he doesn't have. Niether Tom or his father. It it felt good as Tom called you up the stage, to see Dominics tensed face.

"So, he knows about his child?" He asked as he sipped for his champagne. You just nodded at his question as a response, wanting this conversation to be over.

Of course he knows about Natalia and that it is Tom's child. Your parents were close to the Hollands family so you didn't expect something different.

"Okay let's stop this shitchatting." He said to look directly into your eyes.
"You know what I want." He added simply.

"Yes I know. And I think we both know that I won't give it to you. Besides that, you aren't in this Position anymore to have it all to yourself." You said holding eye contect not wanting to back off, to show your Power, the Power he will never get.

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