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Feeling the pain of seeing someone he knew hurt always killed him on the inside. Sam wasn't sure if he should cry, be angry or both. The next morning he was still in the physician's room sitting next to his daughter, she had been silent all night, same with the king. Stretching his arms and cracking his neck, Sam leaned back in his chair relaxing his tense body. Shutting his eyes, he heard a groan come from the other cot. Looking over, Ranboo sat up from his bed rubbing his eyes. His body then froze, he quickly jumped out of his cot facing the opposite of Sam, "where is she?!" He exclaimed, panicking to himself.

"Ranboo!" Sam announced making the young king turn around to face him. He looked down, relaxing himself once seeing her lie unconscious on the bed.

He slowly sat himself in a chair on the opposite side of the cot from Sam, he looked down at her, relief filling his body. "Is she okay?" He asked.

The warden nodded, "she was healed last night, as for Ponk and the others... we weren't able to find them."

Sam let out a deep sigh, feeling defeated that the three had escaped. Ranboo looked at him, attempting to figure out what to say, "I wasn't able to stop them, they got away and I'm unsure to where."

Ranboo hated lying, especially to Sam. He had only been trustworthy ever since entering the castle buildings and teaching him techniques in dueling, books, and potions. He caved in with himself letting out a deep breath looking down at his feet, "no... no that's not true."

Sam looked at him, confused, "hey, whatever you need to say you can trust me, I won't be mad."

Ranboo nodded, gulping before speaking again, "I... I let them go. I didn't mean to, but if I didn't I'm positive I would do something I regret," he looked down at y/n, a deep look in his eyes. And I don't think she would ever look at me the same again, he thought to himself.

Sam walked around the cot, the king not seeming to notice still staring at the girl. He placed his hand on the top of Ranboo's hair ruffling it up, looking at the young ruler with a goofy look behind his gas mask. "Don't worry yourself, I promise we'll get this figured out. In the meantime, try and get some rest." Ranboo nodded, not moving from where he sat. "I'll come by later to check on you guys, send word when she wakes."

Sam waved leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. Ranboo turned back to the girl, putting his face into his hands, he leaned onto the bed next to her. Guilt, unsureness, and stress overflowed through his vains. He felt a light grip placed on his arm, looking up, his red and green eyes stared right back into hers. Not a second later, he wrapped her in a hug pulling her towards him, her hugging him back. Ignoring the slight pain in her arms and head, she pulled herself closer to him, her head against his chest. They stayed like this for what felt like forever, soon exiting the embrace. His arms still around holding onto her, a small smiled formed on the king's face. "I'm so happy to see you," he said.

She smiled up at him, "same here, I missed not being with you." Her face heated up at the realization what had come out of her mouth. "N-not in a weird way or anything! Just I like hanging with you as a friend... I MEAN-"

Ranboo chuckled, his cheeks hinting a light purple. "It's okay, I understand what you mean."

The two felt as if this had happened before, they simply swapped roles. She slowly nodded, grabbing onto his hands holding them with hers, "I-" she took in another breath before continuing, "I wanted to ask you, Ranboo. Last night when you came after me, what happened to you."

He tilted his head in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"Your eyes," she said, "they turned purple, like your mood effected them... do you know what I mean?"

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