Dreams Of Tomorrow

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It was May 23, 2035 when I discovered the unseen. Lets go back to when I had my crackpot theories as some called it. 16 years old I had conspiracies running through my head about aliens. I mean who didn't at that age probably even younger, I had a friend named Casey Blackheart... ok fine a crush. She was so fine, long curly black hair, green eyes, she was black for those wondering. She told me she wanted to be a scientist but I didn't think she would be this crazy. You'll see what I'm talking about later, but meanwhile I was the one who was more focused on conspiracy theories. My major theory was for Area 51 I think we are aliens, and Area 51 is our way to escape so they block it off. I figured what better way to find out if i'm right then join the military and get posted to the base. At 18 I joined thank goodness I was born in Las Vegas so it didn't take long for me to get here. Where were we? Ah here we are May 23rd this is the day I die. A booming voice comes on the loud speaker saying "Mr. Hill report to my office NOW!!!!. One of the guys said "yo Dmitri what you do this time?" Dmitri said "How the hell should I know he always has a problem with me. See ya later." A few minutes later Dmitri gets to the sergeants office and the sergeant said "I need you to go to the hangar and tell Jose he's got a visitor." Dmitri said "yea Damien." Damien with a stern voice said "what did you say?" Dmitri said "I said yes sir." As he walked out the office he headed to the hangar when he arrived there he noticed something was moved. He decided to investigate and found another room and the door closed behind him. Immediately he thought to himself "damn" he looked at the table and took pictures of some of the notes on the tables in there. He then read one that stated "I'm curious about gene splicing especially with the capabilities that Super-Boy had." Another Note said "The way Super-Boy was made he had the DNA of Lex Luthor and Super-Man. I'm running test now with the first human subject she volunteered and she's 19 with a history of running away." Both notes was signed C.B he then seen an Award signed for Casey Blackheart, Dmitri said "what the hell are you doing Casey?" A thud can be heard in the distance of the room he was in. He ran over and seen the women tied up and alive with tape over her mouth he removed and said "shh it's ok" all of a sudden there was a creek it was the door opening. Dmitri said "haha hey Joey why you aiming that gun at me man?" Joey said "I'm sorry I got my order's it's been fun" Joey aimed his gun at Dmitri's head and shot him then went over to his body and said "let me know what it's like outside." Joey picked up the body and told Jose take his body to the coroner outside the gate. Joey did as instructed and put Dmitri in the back of the van. The coroner drove off and said "hey hill wake your ass up he just grazed you" Dmitri said "why does that voice sound eerily familiar?" The coroner said "lets see maybe cause I'm your ex, who you now owe for this." Dmitri said "of course it's you, so Brandy what made you do this?" Brandy said "the one who shot you was the ex before you, so while we take this trip to my place tell me what made you get shot." 40 hours later they arrive at her place, Dmitri smirked and said "how fitting you live in A.C you always took a gamble on things especially us." Brandy said "oh shut it up I'm hungry what we getting?" Dmitri said "McDonald's duh" Brandy said "alright then I hope you know what you want." Brandy pulls up to the drive thru and orders a Big Mac meal with no onions and a sprite then asked Dmitri what he wanted he then replied "I want the 2 for 6 a Big Mac no onions and a quarter pounder with cheese no onions with a large fry and sprite." So minutes later they get the food and go to her place as she takes the elevator with him she said "when we get up there sit in the chair and smoke a blunt if you need but I have to work on your head." He said "aight bet" seconds later they enter her apartment he sits in the chair and she goes to the bathroom to get rubbing alcohol and a ace bandage. She said "Alright lean back this is gonna burn a bit don't scream" She takes a puff of the blunt and pours the rubbing alcohol on a warm rag and put it on the wound, he almost screamed but she kissed him at the last second. He pulled her on top of him and kissed her longer she pushed him back a little and breathed heavy for a moment saying can we get back to this after we eat please?" He said "yea sure I can eat." She said "I know you can" then winked at him so as they ate their food there was an aggressive knock on the door she went in the room then quickly came out telling him to catch He caught it and said "awe you still got the gun I bought you how cute." He answered the door opening it with one hand saying "Can I help you?" The person said "sorry for knocking so loud I was dropping the dog off I wasn't sure if she was here. I'm Roxxie by the way her friend." He let her in the house with the dog and said "I'm Dmitri her forever man haha." Brandy said "well I do keep coming back to you so I guess you can say that, come on baby I know you hungry." Dmitri said "I sure am" Brandy with a smile on her face said "uh uh baby the dog not you hahaha." Roxxie said "Brandy I was hoping you could give me a bonus today" Brandy said "of course girl hold on I'll be back." Dmitri said "so she pays you to babysit the dog?" Roxxie said "mhm easiest pay really so how come you home I heard you in the military." Dmitri said "what are you a reporter haha some complications arose so thats why." Roxxie said "I'm not a reporter anymore but I still got my connects to the ledgers got anything you want to say?" Dmitri with a smirk on his face said "I just may not right now though, you being a reporter though I need some info on a person named Casey Blackheart no address or anything just all the stuff you can legally tell me." Roxxie said "You'll have the info by 4pm today." Brandy came out and gave her the money and said "bye and thanks again." Brandy closed the door and said "now we can finish eating and get to dessert." Dmitri laughed and said "say less" so after they finishing eating McDonald's Brandy looked at Dmitri and licked her lips saying "dessert is this way" Dmitri said "yes ma'am." So about after 4 hours of sleeping Dmitri woke up in a cold sweat and Brandy looked at him with concern saying "shhhh it's ok baby, bad dream huh?" Dmitri got up and looked at a mirror in the bedroom and saw a face with an Egyptian headdress and blood dripping out of one of the eyes and as if they was in sync Dmitri and the face said "She's maddening she made us into this she has to pay for this you cant let her get away with this." Brandy put her arms around his waist and he snapped out of it and Dmitri said "oh my god she's going to do it." Brandy said "who?" Dmitri said "Casey she's going to recreate King Tut" Brandy said "how would she be able to?" Dmitri said "gene splicing it was made to use Super-Boy remember?" Brandy said "baby if that's true there's nothing you can really do unless you have some kind of evidence." Dmitri said "is pictures and notes and seeing a kidnapped woman enough evidence?" Brandy brought him back to bed and put his head on her chest and started humming the in the jungle song and they both fell asleep. 3 hours later there was a knock on the door, Brandy got up and answered the door it was Roxxie and she said "here give this to Dmitri it's some info on a person he wanted." Brandy said "let me guess Casey Blackheart?" Roxxie said "yea" Brandy said "I never liked her, and Dmitri he had a crush on her she gave him a phone and he's had it ever since. I'll give him this thanks I appreciate it so does he even though he had a rough night so he still sleep."

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