Curiosity or Deadly Motive

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Brandy looked over the files and tapped Dmitri on his shoulder telling him to wake up. Dmitri said "is it breakfast time?" Brandy smiled and said "no honey your files are here." He shared the files with Brandy they both skimmed the files then something caught Brandy's eye, It was Casey's mental evaluation. It read "with Casey's mental state it is frightening to have her working in this environment and Project REDESIGN, it is my personal recommendation she be removed from the project." Then there was a retracted evaluation stating "I've gotten the patients mixed up my apologies her mental state is excellent no problems.", There was a brown spot on the paper that looked to be dried up blood, Brandy told him and he said "we gotta go to the doctor a psychiatrist outta all things ughhh." Brandy said "I'll meet you downstairs." 7 minutes later Dmitri came downstairs and got in the car saying "you think we can stop at McDonalds for a Mcgriddle?" Brandy nodded her head yes and then set the gps to go to the doctor that wrote the evaluations. When they arrived to the doctors office they asked the receptionist to see him the receptionist said "ok one second please." Brandy said "babe his name is Victor Von" Dmitri laughed and said "well it might be HIM." The doctor came out and said "how ya doin call me Victor folks how can I help you today?" Brandy said "can we talk to you in your office please?" Victor said "sure right this way" they walked into the office and Victor said "Please take a seat" Dmitri said "alright let's get to the point doc I see the scar on ya head we need to know why did Casey Blackheart do that? Did she do that to you just to get that evaluation retracted?" Victor said "Casey did this because she cant stand to be told no, I'm honestly afraid more of the project with her on it but as you can tell she forced my hand to retract it. By the way I'm not HIM but most of my studies are based off the doctor him self." Dmitri said "woah alright lets pause right here for a quick second I know some of you non marvel fans are like who in the hell are they talking about? We are talking about Doctor Doom his first and middle name is Victor Von so there ya go now back to the story." Brandy said " Oh you heard us haha sorry about that." Victor smiled and said "don't worry about it I hear it a lot but can you tell me more about this project." Dmitri said "a few words describe it, you ever heard of Superboy and how he was made with the DNA of superman and Lex Luthor there's one part of the project but we don't know how to fill in the blanks, that's where you come in." Victor said "she always mentioned Lex Luthor was her role model because of her childhood something I can't get into with you for confidential reasons of course. What I can say is that she was horrified by a tale her mother told her, a tale of a cold woman with steel blue eyes she wasn't an assassin and she wasn't a hitman. She was just ruthless she killed people who so much as even looked at her funny but you couldn't tell the person was dead until they dropped by then she had already disappeared. It's still debatable whether or not if this was a tale or the real deal." Dmitri said "what's her name?" Brandy said "Shinigami, don't ask how I know that please lets just move on." There was a knock on the door it was the receptionist saying that the next client was there. Dmitri smiled and said "thanks doc we'll show our selves out have a nice one." He shook Victors hand then him and Brandy walked out. Dmitri with a somewhat confused look on his face said "what now?" Brandy smirked and said "you wanna see your father in law?" Dmitri said "of course, what's he up to nowadays?" Brandy said "same job" Dmitri and Brandy got in the car and they drove to South Carolina during the drive Dmitri fell asleep hours later after arriving to Brandy's dad house her dad came out and tapped on Dmitri side of the window he jumped up and got out the car then smiled "oh hey Nelson what you been up to?" Nelson said "nothin much same thing as usual working and chillin Brandy told me about the situation on y'all way here it's crazy." Dmitri looked at him and asked him "any suggestions?" Nelson smiled saying "don't smash women who end up crazy haha, but no seriously I think you need to talk to her you can use my phone just do *69 I don't need her calling me everyday." Meanwhile Brandy pulled Nelson to the side saying "I'm sorry dad but moms name came up in this little investigation, her other side." Nelson put his hand on Brandy shoulder saying "honey your mother was terrifying that side anyway, so the stories have been told about that side cause she moved like a ghost and was cold as ice she wasn't a hitwoman but sometimes she was paid. Ya momma was brutal, why you think I never pissed her off she would've killed me haha" Dmitri said "Dad you got a bunker with some guns and gas mask?" Nelson smiled saying "how long till she get here? Dmitri said "not sure." Nelson said "Brandy get us the guns please just walk to the book shelf and push in the vhs tape labeled Victoria in the vcr, yes ya mother approved this that's why her name is on it." Brandy did that and the tv screen popped out to reveal guns, she picked up the AR-15 then Dmitri got a Smith and Wesson M&P 45 then Nelson got a dessert eagle and tossed Dmitri some bullets and said "their hollow tips kid your gonna need it, I'll go get the mask for us try to stay alive till then." Dmitri said "your mom approved this wow what did she need this much fire power for?" Brandy said "protection" Nelson came back from the basement with 3 mask all similar they all put them on then the doorbell rang and it was Casey. Nelson said "ok Dmitri you and Brandy get in the basement, Brandy you know what to do from there if i give you the signal." Nelson opened the door and said "What's up Casey how can I help you?" Casey smiled and said "I hope you know that I'm too smart to fall for the which cup has the ball tactic. Just give Dmitri a message I gave the order to get him killed next time he tries to get in my way I'll do it myself." Dmitri heard that and came upstairs and asked Casey "Shinigami you still scared of her? Why is Lex Luthor ya role model huh what happened?" Casey reached behind her shirt and said "because he said The devils don't come from hell beneath us. No. No, they come from the sky." Dmitri said "ok I get it wolves in sheep's clothing. Why make this project though?" Casey laughed and said "villain's try to remake their world, with project REDESIGN I'm not tryna remake a world I'm just giving it a new mindset. In the words of the great Nelson why remake when you can recreate. Bye boys I have a date with a fallen angel, get in my way you die the both of you." Dmitri closed the door and started thinking what she could've meant. Brandy came up from the basement and said "she's going to moms grave so dad where's she buried?" Nelson said "She's in A.C" Dmitri said "well isn't that convenient she lives in A.C" Brandy said "so you didn't think to tell me?" Nelson said "we went to bury her when you was a kid but being as though your memory is like your mother's I thought you would've remembered that" Brandy said "Let's go take a trip boys" Nelson said "Who car we taking?" Brandy grabbed the keys from her dads hand and said "yours and I'm driving now get in the car" Dmitri and Nelson both said "yes ma'am" as they get in the car and close the door Brandy floored it headed for Atlantic City. 10 hours later they arrive to the cemetery and drove up to the tombstone and said "what the hell happened to this? Look at this" The angel statue had a broken wing half of the statue had black stuff on it and the face was cracked then as she walked up closer she felt metal under her feet and asked her dad "what in the hell is this?" Nelson said "Brandy your eyes they're purple" Dmitri with a confused face said "I would like some answers but first back to the metal doors with a damn padlock on it." Nelson pulled Brandy to the side and said "the way she killed people was something supernaturally crazy what if she came back we got to take precautions, I'm sorry plus look at how your eyes just turned violet purple that fast you cant tell me that's not in some way supernatural plus your mom told me to do this." Brandy said "how do I know that? What aren't you telling me? How did she out of all people know where mom grave was?" Nelson said "she had another daughter that she gave her up for adoption we couldn't finically take care of two children and I wasn't the father, the father died in a car accident. That's your Half sister, when your mom died Casey came to the funeral you didn't realize her because y'all was separated at birth." Brandy with a stoic look on her face said "so no one was gonna tell me this at all how long was this supposed to be kept secret?" Nelson said "your mom was supposed to tell you she feel like you would understand it better if it came from her." Dmitri with a shocked look on his face turned to Brandy saying "Your HER daughter, that's why all the weapons was there. Which means you could possibly be the second coming of her or maybe bring her back to life." Brandy said "are you crazy I loved my mom and I want answers but two things A: I have no clue how to do that and B: whose to say what side of her I just so happen to bring back" suddenly there was a chill and the sky darkened Nelson with a frightened look said "I think I know what side we bout to get so may I kindly suggest HITTING THE DAMN DECK NOW!!!!" They all run behind a headstone as lighting struck the spot they was all in, a fire started and the padlock flew off and hit Nelson in the head. Through blackened smoke they seen violet eyes and heard a voice saying "sorry about the lock but that's what you get for being in my way darling" Nelson said "aw hell and out of the crypt she did crawl" as Victoria stepped out the sky cleared you could see red heels with a black and purple dress and green braids Nelson said "whatever you do Dmitri don't look into her eyes she's also medusa" Victoria with a smile on her face said "Dmitri? you must be the one I've been hearing about, Brandy I was always here with you so don't think I forget you two visiting me" Dmitri looked away saying "good things I would hope." Victoria smiled saying "my hair is not snakes you'll be fine." Dmitri said "I'll go wait in the car" Brandy hugged Victoria with tears in her eyes saying "mom this whole thing has been crazy without you" Victoria said "something wicked this way comes" Casey walked up and said "really is that anyway to talk about your own daughter after all we have the same DNA" Victoria said "Project REDESIGN what is it about?" Casey said "It's about bringing back a person who probably would've been the most feared person back in his time King Tut. With some modifications to the genetics he'll be what he should've been long ago which is a savior" Victoria said "ok so you want to recreate King Tut but why?" Casey said "he'd be a better president he would bring peace and I'll finally bring you peace by killing you again but there will be no resurrection for you or her." Casey pulled a gun from behind her and shot it but Nelson got in the way and Brandy eyes turned violet purple again. As they did she quickly grabbed the gun and shot the people behind Casey with such precision and managed to graze Casey's face in the process. Casey ran off saying "see ya later sis" Brandy checked on Nelson he said "Vic you gotta look after her now I'm done for" Victoria said "why would you do that you idiot? come on we getting you to the hospital." As she tried to pull him up he didn't budge and looked at her with tears in his saying "Goodnight babe" Brandy with the gun shot three holes in the angel statue one in the chest, one in the heart and one in the head. She then got in the car, Victoria said "Dmitri be a dear and help me with your father in law, lets put him in my casket." After they put him in, they got in the car and drove off. Dmitri said "I'd hate to be that guy but what are we gonna do about Casey we cant let this project just go on." In the middle of his sentence he passed out and he entered a dream state and seen the same person he did before in his mirror but he was up close and personal this time. The person said "There is no way to stop this by the time we are 20 we will be in power and there will be chaos so get prepared" Dmitri with a confused look on his face said "this is the second time you done mentioned me and you so answer me who are you?" The person said "I am you we have the same DNA" Dmitri said "how?" The person said "ask her." Dmitri said "what's your name?" he said "my name is Ryan you remember that night you slept with Casey? she kept your DNA and here we are." Dmitri woke up and said "Oh my god this lady is crazy" Victoria said "welcome back to earth and as a test question I'd like to know what the hell are you talking about?" Dmitri said "She kept my DNA the night we slept together this creation has my DNA" Victoria said "Wow shame I couldnt be around for the gender reveal party so what is the child a boy or girl?" Dmitri said "a boy" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22 ⏰

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