My name is Nelson and I hope to be a author that will go down in history and I'm a non conformist so power to all the unique people
  • InscritNovember 27, 2016

Dernier message
Romanaround17 Romanaround17 Jul 26, 2022 05:49PM
Hello all followers I have a book coming soon called Project .EXE stay tuned for updates
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Histoires par Nelson Roman
Vengeance par Romanaround17
Vengeance is sweet but not on the receiving end most people end up paying for they're vengeance one way or an...
The 13th NightMare par Romanaround17
The 13th NightMare
lucky number 13 just got unlucky
Line Of Sight par Romanaround17
Line Of Sight
A guy named Joshua Phillips who has steel blue eyes a five o'clock shadow and faux hawk hairstyle is from a b...
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