3. lilac

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Whenever I meet Taeyong hyung,
I always act out of my character.

That is something certain and true.

Even by passing a year. Even after growing kind of close to him. I am now a high school third grader. Yet the passing of a whole year feels like nothing just at the moment that I step into that shop of hyung.

I act like whom I don't even know myself.


That tall and handsome guy from the third class!

It is the usual sentence that all the students would mostly say if you ask them about their schoolmate, Jung Jaehyun.

Most girls and some boys would say this with admire and eagerness. While some would look reluctant just by admitting it.

How much do they know about him? Well, mostly, his obvious positive aspect of appearance is all the information that his schoolmates can have.

Maybe some few boys from his class who bump to him on a daily basis can add some other traits as well. Like, Jung Jaehyun is fairly average at studying, plays basketball on p.e also that he can get so serious and maybe scary on the court which no one knows why is he so ambitious about winning such simple games, isn't talkative but acts quite nice and polite. Sure, him being good-looking is a good point so everyone likes him at first sight. Eventually, he gets along with everyone in return. And so naturally, all the girls in his class are in love with him.

More than things that can be found out by simple observation. Not much is left for his classmates to explain about him.

Maybe Kim Jungwoo from the second grade knows more about Jaehyun. They always sit around one table at lunchtime. Also, they seem so close.

Does he have a girlfriend? Does he like someone? What are his hobbies? How does he act in front of people who are close to him? Is he always this cool and mannered? What's his type in girls? Would you give me his number? Would you introduce me to him?

Poor Jungwoo is the one who faces such flood of questions on a daily basis. As a close friend of Jaehyun, which can be considered as a nice and entertaining thing or maybe an actual curse! Because so many girls at school keep on asking these questions from Jungwoo almost every day.

"Like, come on! At least a -how have you been, Jungwoo?- might be nice to ask before talking this much about Jaehyun hyung!" is something that Jungwoo lately says and nags at his female classmates lately as he is tired of answering these idiotic questions.


At the class, when the teacher finally announces the end of session as the lunch time begins; the middle desk on the second row is the usual spot where some girls would stand up from their chairs and gather around it with pinkish faces and gentle smiles. Why?

Because that spot is Jaehyun's seat.

Four and five. They all approach the boy and stand above him with bashful expressions. Some boys from the surrounding would chuckle or roll their eyes at the sight.

And so the main matter of course, Jaehyun. Who is used to these sudden gatherings of the girls, which happens every day right at the lunch time. It feels like they approach so fast and quick as if they want to capture the boy before he gets the chance to escape that class. So all helplessly, Jaehyun keeps sitting while closing his books and notes. Once looking down on his desk to do his job then he stares at the girls with a rather gentle smile as it melts their hearts all quick and easily like that.

One girl who seems bolder among the all steps closer and bends down towards Jaehyun.

She smiles. "Jaehyun-ah, will you eat lunch with me?"

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