Chap. 1 - Good news?

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"I'm telling you Raina, I just need to get this internship," I say as I pace back and forth my room. Raina sits at the edge of my bed fiddling with the ribbon from her dress. "Mhm," she nods, as if she was just pretending to hear me.
"You're not even listening," I turn to her, "Don't you worry for me?"
"Oh god, Marie," she turns to me, "it's not that I don't care, cause of course I do, it's just you worry too much. I know you're gonna land that internship."
"Ugh, I know." I fall onto my bed and stare at the ceiling. "This means the world to me."

I know you're thinking right now, "Um, what's the freakin' internship?" Yes, I can only announce that itis the most amazing opportunity I could ever dream of; an internship with The Tonight Show. Yeah you heard me right. The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon.

~ ~ ~

My lockscreen lights up to my adorable wallpaper of Jimmy Fallon. 7:10 a.m. Well, time for class.

"Marie! Get up for class!" My mom screams from the kitchen downstairs.
"I am mom!" I yell back and groan as I crawl out of my warm, comfortable bed.
I stare in the mirror for a good minute before fixing up my hair and makeup. I scramble through my mess of a closet and drawers searching for a decent outfit. Today's the day I find out my internship.
I walk into the kitchen and grab a yogurt out the fridge. I shovel spoonfuls into my mouth while making my early cup of coffee.

~ ~ ~
(at college)

"Okay, so you all have the homework right?" my professor repeats.
"Yes." a couple of students reply while others nod.
"And don't forget to check with your advisors today to see which internship you've been accepted to!" the professor announces as we all pack up to leave.
I stuff my laptop and books into my bag, just simply thrilled and extremely nervous to find out the answer. I pass the classroom doors, take the escalator down to the 3rd floor, Student Advisement Center. "May I help you?" the receptionist asks.
"Yes I'm here to see my advisor, Andrew." I tell her.
"One second dear." she clicks some buttons on her desk phone. "Yes, okay Andy."
"You can go to his office now" she smiles.
"Great, thanks," I smile back.
I walk to the office, practically starting to speed walk. "Marie! You won't believe the news," my advisor Andrew gestures to me outside his office.
"Please tell me it's good." I smile to him.
He leads me into his office and I sit in the slightly uncomfortable cushion chair. "Oh," Andrew opens his laptop and clicks a few times. "See for yourself." He turns the laptop to face me.
I slap my hands to my mouth. I swear, I almost felt a tear coming.


The first part! Sorry there's not much "action" going on but it's only the start. This is my first ever fanfic and I hope it goes well!
Thanks for reading and I will update the next part soon :3
And I will introduce more characters in the next chapter.

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