Part 6

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Part 6
##### a week later ####
"Dad it's not getting any better," said Raja.
"Hmm you're right. You've been messing and wetting yourself more than before" dad replied.
Mom packed a diaper bag for Raja in case if anything happens. The put 4 spare diapers, crayons, coloring book, and extra pants. Raja got his diaper changed by mom and they made their way to the doctor.

### At the doctors###
"Mom, I think I just pooped" raja whispered
"don't worry honey ill change you once we inside with the doctor," said mom
"But mom I don't want the doctor to see me naked, "said Raja.
"Well, you need to anyways. How is he supposed to check you with your diaper on" mom replied?
Their number was called, and Raja hid behind mom.
"Morning. You must little Raja" said dr. num as he got on his knees to get to raja's eye level.
"I understand you keep having accidents. Why don't you hop on and ill check you out? And I'll give 2 lollipops" Dr. num added

"I'm sorry doc he's messy. You mind if I change him first? "Said mom.
"Yeah sure. Go ahead" replied Dr. Num

Once raja got changed, Dr. Num took over. He started pressing every part of Raja's back while checking his heartbeat. Dr num lay Raja down and start pressing on Raja's stomach. But once Dr num pressed on the to of Raja's diaper, pee just started to flow out. Dr num was done and asked Raja to wear his clothes again.

"Ok I have one question, was he put back on diapers before or after his first accident?" Dr. num asked.
"He was put back in diapers at night to encourage his younger brother to be potty trained. He purposely peed his diaper the first night but on the second night is his first accident, but that was at night, and he doesn't mess himself. It was when a basketball hit his stomach that he is peeing and messing himself uncontrollably," said mom
"I see, I've seen this before. The first time Raja peed himself, he strained the nerve that tells the brain that the bladder is full. It didn't affect much as it was repairable. But that basketball hit him s hard that the nerve partially disconnected from each other. I'm sorry but your son is now incontinence, there is however a cure for this. There is a surgery for it, its when we go in and try to connect it back together but there are risks as much more server incontinence or he can even be paralyzed from the waist down. That is because the nerve that controls his lower of the body is super close to the disconnected nerve and its more fragile" said Dr. num

"I think don't want to risk Raja being paralyzed" Mom said while tearing.
Raja, confused with the situation, asked "so I'm stuck in diapers forever?"

"Yes, honey you are, I'm sorry this had to happen to you. Don't worry dad and I will do what ever it takes to make you comfortable in or out of diapers" Mom said crying as she hugs Raja and brushed his hair.

Author 'note:
Hi y'all. That's the end of raja de-potty trained. Maybe in the future I might continue this story. But right now I have a new story coming out soon!

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