Part 4

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Part 4
Mom cleaned up and Raja took a shower to clean himself before school.
#### later that day after school ####
Raja got home and saw mom and dad sitting at the dining table again.
" Raja.. come here" Said dad. Raja got scared because dad only said those 3 words whenever Raja did something wrong and is in trouble.
" your mother told me what happened just now morning. You sure it's an accident?" said dad.
" yes dad. I was just watching tv and it all just came out" Said Raja.
"im sorry kiddo but we want you to wear diapers full time. We don't want you to have an accident when we're out" said dad.
" but its just one time. I promise I wont have an accident anymore " Raja begged his parents not to put him back in diapers full time.
#later at night#
Raja was determine to not have another accident. He peed in the toilet, emptying his bladder. Reducing the chance of him having an accident. He woke up dry and happy. Surprisingly Chad also woke up dry. As an reward to the boys, dad decided to buy them McDonalds for breakfast.
It's a Sunday so the family had plan to go to the park or the beach. They decided on park so the boys brought along their bikes. As Raja was playing at the playground. He suddenly felt his knees were wet. Turns out Raja wet himself. With no spare underwear, Raja was forced to wear Chad's diaper. Raja was in shock and wanted to call off the plan because its messing up his bladder control.
"Raja!" shouted mom from across the playground. As soon as Raja heard his mom calling him, he knew what was going to happen to him.
"Remember what we talk about?" said mom.
"yeah" said Raja as he teared up. They both went to the toilet to get Raja changed. Raja laid down on the Changing matt as Mom took out his diaper.
"mom I don't want to wear" said Raja as he covered his face with his hands
"We talked out this honey" said Mom as she taped Raja up.
Suddenly there was a woman and her 3 year old child came in the toilet and waited for them to finish.
" can I at least have pants to cover it?" Raja asked.
" I didn't pack a spare pants for you. I only have pants for Chad. Unless you want to wear his pants" Mom said. Raja agreed with wearing Chad's pants as it was better than having his diaper exposed to the public. Raja did realised it said " mommy little pooper" on the butt of the pants. Raja, red as a tomato covered his face as he got off the changing table.
" aww he's so cute. How old is he?" the woman asked.
"he's 11" Mom replied.
The woman was too stunned to speak as it was uncommon to see a 11 year old boy still in diapers.
Once they got home, dad took out all my undies and replaced it with more diapers. Add that to the childish clothes he had, he is officially a toddler again.

Raja de-potty trainedWhere stories live. Discover now