I want to get to know you.

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I was walking down the busy street while thinking of y/c. 'Y/c really is cute... maybe he isn't a playboy/girl after all.'.

ring ring

'Hmm? How did this person get my number? I haven't told anyone yet.' I thought as i answered the phone. "Hello, y/n,"

'Who is this person and how did she get my number?'
"Who are you? Why did you call me?" I questioned her. She chuckle at my questioned and told me; "i know that you like y/c. They are good looking, but not my type." She said. I got worried that she would know about my obsession with them.

She did.

"What do you mean?" I replied with a shaky voice to get rid of her optimism. But, it was obvious that i was lying. "You don't have to lie to me y/n, I know everything. And on top of that, i want to help you." I couldn't really tell if she was lying or not, but my attention was obviously pulled by her response. "Go ahead, I'm listening"

"R/g/1.  This girl also has a crush on y/c. She is smart and talented but lonely. She doesn't have friends and prefers to hang out on the rooftop beside the east entrance. She admires y/c because they are kind and approachable. She does not have a club yet. Although, she is planning on joining one. She is incapable of self defence."

"R/g/2. She is really In love with y/c. She talks about him and brags to her friends that she is their best friend. She knows that isn't true although the people in school are already making theories that it's true. She is always the star in drama's. She admires y/c because that are lovely and cute. She is part of the drama club. She is average in self defence."

"That's all i'm telling you today. You'll get more info once you're done with these two." She explained. I appreciate her help but i have to ask her something. " hey wait, could you at least tell me your name? ... it's the least you could do for ringing me randomly." It felt like she finally understood me. She chuckled then she told me " do you know that info-chan rumour?" She asked me. I think i know where this is going. Even thought there was something off about her, i replied back anyway. " Tch. Do you really expect me to believe you're info-chan?" I scoffed. "What do you think? If i wasn't, i wouldn't be getting this information now would i?" I hesitated to reply for a bit, but before i could even do anything i got a notification from my AppStore; "download complete!"


'download complete?...'

"Dont worry I'm not going to hack your phone. It's an app that lets me... help you. Let's say you find someone else that likes y/c you can ask me for things for example:
And elimination methods."

     At this point, I don't really know what's going on. I can't really tell if this is a blessing or a curse either. "What am I going to do with elimination methods?" I asked even when i knew what i was going to do with it. "Oh that? I'm sure you know what it's for." I had a strong feeling that she was grinning behind the device she was calling me through. "Well.. you got me. I'm gonna have so much fun. Thank you info-chan." I replied. I now know this is the best day of my life. And I'm not lying when i say i'm gonna have fun

Because i definitely will.

Yandere y/n x yandere y/cWhere stories live. Discover now